
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ahh... Holiday Homework

How I love you. Not. It's been one week of school holidays and I have only just started my homework. Why? Because holidays and homework do not mix. Why do teachers insist on giving homework on the holidays? What will it achieve? About 75% of students won't do it anyway, the remainder will probably do a really half-arsed job.

Ok, so I'm one of those students that actually does her homework. I don't really do a half-arsed job at all. In fact, I do a whole arsed job. Actually, I use my whole body, not just my ass. But I curse every moment of it. Who wouldn't? I'm tired. I've been doing the same stupid assignment for the last two days. Yeah, I've had writer's block... and sometimes I stare blankly at the computer... but so far I've been doing the same assignment for two days.

On top of that, I have a piano exam on Saturday morning, plus church band, and a Party Friday night. I have no time to do anything. DAMNIT.

So now, I'm wasting more time by writing a blog. I'm clever like that, you see. The more time I waste, the less time I have to do homework! How awesome am I?

Damn .

Goodbye blog.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hello there O_O

No idea why I made this, but boy, did I have a blast.