
Friday, March 27, 2009


I love food. I love it so much. Over the past few months I've been having trouble eating as much as I used to. At first I thought I was sick, or had some sort of health problem that should be seen to... but now I think it might just be because my body isn't taking crap anymore. It's sort of depressing, in a way, because I can't abuse my body with fattening, greasy foods as much as I would like, because I simply don't enjoy it as much as I used to. Also, I've lost heaps of weight and so my stomach has obviously shrunk as a result. I probably don't have enough room for heaps of food now.

Lately, I've been craving a whole bunch of foods. I think they're linked to good memories, or maybe I just really like them.
The first food I craved isn't really a food. It's a drink. When I went on exchange to Japan in 2007, I had about two cans of this stuff a day. I was so addicted! Also, the shape of the cans were awesome. This drink I'm talking about ... is Grape Fanta.
You CAN buy this in Adelaide. Go to any good confectionary store (like the one in Rundle Mall for example), and you'll find it in the "American Soft Drinks" section, along with Dr Pepper and L&P (Which is a Kiwi Soft Drink - also really good. ) For some reason, though, it just doesn't feel the same as the one I had in Japan. Maybe I thought the can was awesome, or maybe it's been sitting in storage for so long that its taste is gone. All I know is I would like to go back to Japan to drink it again, where I started.

Another thing I've been craving was at my school canteen (tuck shop!) when I was in primary school. They called it "chalk," and, not being a great lolly eater, I was in love with this lolly. It was a bit squishy, shaped like a piece of chalk, with a colour in the middle. It's hard to describe. I never thought of taking a photo of it because... I just didn't. Digital cameras weren't big back then. Neither were camera phones. I think chalk might have been discontinued, and as my mum used to work in the canteen (does she still? I'm not sure) we've been trying to trace it back.
It might be a while before I eat it again, if I ever do. I know that if I finally do get my beloved chalk back, I'll probably say "What the hell did I like this so much for?" Such is life.

There's one more thing I'm craving. I've only eaten it once, and that was when I lived in New Zealand... over a decade ago. I am talking about Hershey's Kisses. I ate them with my best friend in New Zealand all those years ago. Now, over the past few weeks, I've really wanted to have them again, but, during my free lesson today, mum and I were in a store, looking for costumes for a 70's theme party (suggestions, anyone?) when I saw this:
IT'S LIKE A SIGN! I have to buy Hershey's Kisses! It was a really weird coincidence that this costume was in the store after I've been talking about it. ALSO, THE COSTUME IS SO CUTE! Dressing a small child up like a chocolate is pure genius. It makes me want to name all my children after foods, as I've done with my pet fish (Sushi, Ikan and Chips)

Speaking of Ikan, I also really, really feel like Nasi Lemak. Since my dad is from Singapore, I eat a lot of Nonya, Indian and Malaysian foods. I've become a bit obsessed with Nasi Lemak, to the point were I was once eating it and sent my boyfriend a photo of it, along with the caption "SEX ON A PLATE." I don't think he found it very attractive, as he replied with "WDH" What's really weird is what apparently "makes" a good Nasi Lemak is the Sambal that comes with it. That's the only thing I DON'T eat on the plate, because I can't take spicey things. *sigh*

So, to end this post. I really feel like these foods.

You, as the reader, have now wasted your life pointlessly learning about the foods I feel like. You can't un-read it. Sucks to be you, huh!

There's a saying that goes "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." Okay. How about "Nobody should throw stones." That's crappy behavior. My policy is: "No stone throwing regardless of housing situation." Don't do it. There is one exception though. If you're trapped in a glass house, and you have a stone, then throw it. What are you, an idiot? So maybe it's "Only people in glass houses should throw stones, provided they are trapped in the house with a stone." It's a little longer, but yeah.
Demetri Martin

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

All the titles for this post sound stupid.

Before I start writing, I would like to point out that my writing style on this blog is slightly different to my other sites. This is because, like Mara, I am attempting to write as formally as possible. This is a feeble attempt to actually 'blog' about opinions, ideas and such. Or anything random that comes into my mind.
  • First, arriving. She arrives first with a friend, and as he approaches, a wide grin spreads across his face as he fakes a low, 'i-am-impressed' whistle (He has trouble whistling). Silently, he hugs her and says quietly "You look stunning."
  • After partnering up and going to the toilet with another friend, as all females do, she comes back to childishly leave a giant lipstick mark on his cheek. However, before she gets the chance to, she hears an excited "Ta-da!" and feels a rose being pushed into her hand.
  • The DJ's voice rings through the room, "This is the last song for the couples." Knowing, and not minding that he hates dancing, and NEVER dances - EVER, she sits and happily jokes with the rest of the table. Before she knows it, he is standing up. Suddenly, she is being pulled to the dance floor. "If I didn't do this, I would regret it later," he says quietly as a massive smile spreads across her face, forgetting that her feet and legs are aching and blistering from hardcore dancing the entire night with the others. Towards the end of the song, her friend jumps in to dance with the two. Many would think this would 'ruin the moment', so to speak, but this makes her more joyful, because she is reminded that she is surrounded by some of the most important people in her life.
Anyone who's reading this would probably know - but if you don't, I'll tell you.
I may seem like a dignified, independent awesome woman, because I totally am... [hehehe] But I have a confession to make to you fellow interweb bloggers. I'm whipped! Tied down, if you will! I know, I'm disgusted with myself too. If me from the beginning of last year could see me now, I believe I would shock myself. "WHAT HAPPENED TO INDEPENDENT OJAYE?" I would cry and slap myself. Then, I would calmly reply to myself, "You are still the same Ojaye, you're just less stressed about everything now."

Apparently relationships will do that to you. So, even though I am weird about blogging about this sort of thing, I really want to rant about my awesome 'other half', because he's really really... awesome.
We recently attended his formal, as he goes to an all boys' school. I knew it'd be a great night, because I went with his friend last year to the same formal. I LOVE all boys' school formals, because they're less serious than all girls' schools.

Anyone who goes to an all girls' school would know what it's like - many take formal night too seriously, expect too much, you know? The awards at a girls' school are serious - Best Dressed, Dance Floor King/Queen whatever.
Don't get me wrong, it's good and all, and I REALLY enjoy it - formal is the most fun ever! - but some girls will have their nights ruined because they didn't get Best Dressed, or because someone is wearing the same shoes as her. That really sucks. I think too much importance is placed over looking good. How disappointing! It's fun to dress up, but when girls take it too seriously, the consequences could be DIRE!

At boys' schools, the entire night is about having the time of your life. Guys dress up as cowboys, bring top hats and canes, and even go to the effort of finding a purple pimpin' suit~
I LOVE the atmosphere! If a guy hates dancing, the rest will include him (much to his disgust, I'm sure) and pick him up for crowd surfing. Last year they even had a conga line.

The awards have the common "Best Dressed" and "Best Couple" etc, but they also have fun awards like "Biggest Tool Moment," "Toughest Teacher," and "Most Likely to be Suspended by the End of the Night." Everyone knows that they're jokes, but everyone has a huge laugh and it's a riot.
Of course, I'm sure if a girl at my school won "Biggest Tool" award, she'd probably be quite hurt by it. I may enjoy these awards, because, to quote one of my previous music teachers, "That's such a boy comment! I teach at an all girls' school to get away from that sort of talk!" Sorry, Ms Sprason. Don't worry though, she, too, laughed at the comment. (She said this after I mentioned - to no one in particular - that the window looked like someone sneezed on it. I didn't realise anyone had actually heard it until I saw the look of SHOCKHORROR on her face. I guess someone is bound to hear, in a class of five people.)
I don't really know why I'm writing about the differences between formals, I guess I just find the overall contrasts interesting... you know, how much importance is placed on different things?

Well anyway, back to my boy.
I'm really grateful, because the other day I was reading through my English essay. I was trying to think of ways to re-word some sentences that seemed wrong, when I realises that Potato is excellent with words. I asked him on MSN if he could simply skim through my essay and make sure everything was gramatically correct, and maybe tell me if anything sounded out of place.

"When is it due?" He asked upon receiving the essay
"Tuesday, why?" I replied
"Just wondering how much time I have at my disposal. XD" He typed back.

At this point, my brain screams "TYPICAL!" I should've known he'd want to get it absolutely perfect! I'M WASTING HIS TIME BY SENDING HIM MY ESSAY.
Potato never half does things.
So, in order to save his spare time, I frantically 'yell' "NO! DON'T SPEND MUCH TIME ON IT! I just want a skimmmmmmmmmmmm"
At this point, he ignores me and continues to edit my essay.
Typical. Really typical.
Stupid, selfless, perfectionist.
I like fruit baskets because it gives you the ability to mail someone a piece of fruit without appearing insane. Like, if someone just mailed you an apple you’d be like ‘Huh? What the hell is this?’, but if it’s in a fruit basket you’re like ‘This is nice!.’
Demetri Martin

Thursday, March 12, 2009

La dee dum.

Wow! It's been a while since I've updated this. I keep forgetting I have this blog. I was thinking of using this as a 'proper' blog, where I write about my thoughts and stuff, with an attempt to write with good grammar and such.

How long will this last, I wonder?

Well, year 12 certainly is exciting. I actually prefer it to other years, I guess it's the freedom, because we're growing into young women...

... or maybe it's because I'm lacking in assignments.

I'm actually really happy (for now), that I've taken basically all exam-based subjects. I'm sure if I update this blog later in the year, I'll be swearing like a drunken sailor due to my exam study, but I really prefer it to having a million assignments due at once.
Speaking of assignments, I have an essay on Good Night, and Good Luck due next week. It's a George Clooney film, for those who haven't heard of it. I thought it was great, though it's really hard to understand when you're falling asleep.

- For the record, I WASN'T falling asleep because the movie was boring. I really do like it. It's just that we were in the Drama Room to watch it on the projector, and the conditions were perfect for sleep! WHAT WAS I TO DO?!

  • The temperature of the room was perfect, in my opinion.
  • It was raining, and the sound of rain soothes me.
  • The Drama Room, for those who have never set foot in it, is extremely dark because the curtains are designed to make the room pitch black if need be.
  • I was sitting on the floor, at the back of the room, leaning on the wall, and Claudina was leaning on my shoulder. It was incredibly comfortable.
  • The movie was black and white, which added to the dark, calming, sleepy atmosphere.
  • The soundtrack of Good Night, and Good Luck is JAZZ. I love Jazz, it's like rain to me. Soothing and I could listen to it forever.
  • And to top it all off, the actors in the film, (George Clooney, for example), have really nice voices.
They may as well have given me a blanket, pillow and soft toy and said, "Here, Ojaye, you deserve a rest."

I can't remember what the point of this post is, but I'm really enjoying writing it. Unfortunately for my loyal reader, (myself), dinner is calling me and I must conclude my enlightening words of wisdom.

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to paint it.
Steven Wright