
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Making the world a better place.

Oh, pretty sick this week. I caught it off Claudina. I guess it serves me right. We sit next to each other everyday at school, in almost every class, and whenever she has a coughing fit, I jokingly tell her to "SHUT UP!" It's funny, but she would respond by deliberately coughing on me. I was bound to get sick eventually.

From about Thursday to Monday, I was at my worst. While doing my homework, my table looked like this:
I took that photo especially for this blog! (I know, that's really sad.) As you can see, I'm very good for the environment, what with all my used tissues that will probably turn into landfil etc etc...

I'm slowly getting better, though!
It sucks being sick, because I tried to give blood. Unfortunately, you have to wait 7 days after vomiting before you can give blood... and it hadn't been 7 days for me. I was SO close to being able to give blood! Tangy and I have decided to go in our frees one day soon and give blood together! I think it'll be heaps of fun! I'm excited. In the evening, after I went to the Blood Donors place, it was the day before April Fool's day. I decided to get in early, and told Potato:

(7:38 PM) ojaye: XD oh oh oh ! AND i went to the blood donors place today!
(7:39 PM) ojaye: HAHAHAHAHAHA i did, but there were complications
(7:39 PM) Potato: Why?
(7:39 PM) ojaye: oh, you know how i get nosebleeds? and i've been sick? well iiiiiii.. didnt tell them
and ended up fainting and having to go to hospital XD

(7:40 PM) Potato: ......
(7:40 PM) ojaye: im gonna have to take medication for the next 2 months until my blood replenishes XD the ladies werent happy =\haha
(7:40 PM) Potato: You idiot....
(7:40 PM) ojaye: XD im joking gosh! nah i couldnt give blood XD

I had fun, so I tried it on dear Tangman. He basically said "omg omg omg Oliviaaaaaaaaaa @___@" over and over until I told him it wasn't true. They weren't as much fun as my past "
pranks," where I told Anthony that I had to move to India for an arranged marriage.

The trip to the blood bank wasn't in vain, though. I got a free keyring thingy that goes around my neck for keys/usbs/phones and such. I found out that my iron levels, blood pressure and everything else is normal.
I really think that giving blood is a great thing to do. It really does take a special person to give blood, so to anyone that reads this, DO IT! For more information, go to or call 13 14 95. I know I sound like an advertisement at the moment, but I really want to support them! You even get free food and drink afterwards. It's a great atmosphere, it's not like "HERE'S A BIG NEEDLE. IMMA TAKE YO BLOOD. GO HOME BIATCH." It's more like, "Here, have a free keyring. Now, come and have free food and drink! Come back soon!" JUST GO. GOSH.
Today, mum went to work. She didn't know what to make for dinner, so she put on some rice and said "there's meat in the fridge." At 5:15pm, I went to the fridge and looked for the meat, but all I saw was leftover spaghetti mince. I called mum and said "Where's the meat? There's only spaghetti meat."
Mum: "That's it."

But, beggars can't be choosers. So I heated up the spaghetti meat stuff (what the hell is it called anyway?) and covered it with rice, and handed it to my brother. As you can see above, the rice is completely covering the meat, which creates the surprise! I know, I know. I'm such a gourmet genius.
Upon handing it to my brother, I said "I call it Rice Surprise! You have to eat it, it's all we have."
My brother looked at the food, and then looked at me as if I had asked him to gnaw off his foot.
I made myself some. It doesn't actually taste that bad. It was nice. I like it. Maybe we'll make it again someday.
I was in a card store and there were these cards that said "Get well soon." Fuck that! Get well *now*!
Demetri Martin