
Friday, July 31, 2009

Another letter.

Dear Restaurant City,
You have been "undergoing maintenance" for a few hours, though your "Undergoing Maintenance" picture clearly says "Please check back again in 30 minutes!"

You lied to me, Restaurant City. You lied. Thanks to you, I am now suffering withdrawl symptoms. Oh, and give this note to your mummy Playfish for me, please.

Dear Playfish,

Today, Pet Society, Restaurant City and GeoChallenge were all undergoing maintenance at the same time. You are immeasurably cruel.
Yours Sincerely,
Obsessive Playfish gamer.

Hooray for most things!
- George Carlin

An Angry Letter

Dear New Library Lady,
You are a cow. No one likes you. Go back where you came from.
[insert profanity here]

Yours Sincerely,
The person who could have failed their assignment because you didn't let them pull a piece of paper out of the printer and walk out again.

The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, “You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.”
- George Carlin

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


JULY 27:


Today was UMAT. Has anyone reading this taken UMAT? How did you find it? Easy? Hard? Evil? Death?
Ugh. I'll never be a doctor at this rate! The practise booklets seem easy, especially booklet one. I studied with it and thought "it's in the bag!" Then the practise tests ...guh. Then, the actual exam....

The above picture is, I believe, the only way I can describe it. I'm hoping for a pass. If I get into Medicine in University, I will be one happy chappy. If we were to have interviews only, and not those evil exams that may as well be written in Latin, I would have a very good chance.
I may be exaggerating. I did understand a lot of the exam (I want to do medicine for a reason!!), but who knows if it's right? The answers are so... bleh. And the questions are worded in such a... bleh way.
OH WELL. Que sera sera, aye? At least it's not like my boyfriend - he was sick today, and had to take the exam feeling half dead. After coming home, I was feeling pretty tired too, so I jumped on Facebook to play Restaurant City (damn Playfish, I'm addicted to their games. Unhealthy addicted.) THEY'VE UPDATED IT. I LOVE THIS GAME. I squealed.
But maybe I'll talk about that another day.
I was just over-excited and had to tell someone. You'll do.
Later, followers.
Death is caused by swallowing small amounts of saliva over a long period of time.- George Carlin

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Whoever knows me, knows that I love photobooths. Not because I want to look at myself (as sexy as I am) [You: Narcissistic cow! Me: I'M JOKING. GOSH.], but because I have a LOAD of fun taking them and I love looking back on them later and remembering the panicked "How do we know when the photos are taken? OH NO IT TOOK A PHOTO! OH MY GOD, QUICK GET IN PLACES. WHERE DO WE STAND? YOU'RE ON MY FOOT! WE WASTED A PHOTO. NOW WHAT DO WE DO?" It's so much fun.

One thing I've ALWAYS wanted to do is go to a black and white photobooth and take photos with someone. Everytime I walk past the black and white photobooth at the Myer Centre in Rundle Mall, I always think, "Next time I'm going to get photos there!" but I NEVER do.

Well, until Friday night!

FINALLY, after all those years of saying I wanted these photos, I finally did it. It was a really cold night in the city, and since I'm still recovering from Glandular fever, I was wearing layers, and a MASSIVE jacket, which made it hard to fit into the photobooth about 1x1metres! It's a bit obvious how squashed we were when you look at the photos and see that my face is pressed up against the glass! (Well, not really, but I'm SO CLOSE to the camera!) One thing that bugs me is WHY DO THEY MAKE THOSE BOOTHS SO UNBELIEVABLY TINY WHEN IT'S MADE FOR AT LEAST TWO PEOPLE? I mean, I knew it was going to be small, you can see it from the outside, but the example photos are on the side of the booth show TWO people sitting comfortably in the photo, smiling and looking pretty. When you open the little curtain that hides nothing, you look down to see ONE stool that's MAYBE big enough for a toddler, but when a fully grown person (aka Grant) sits on the chair, they feel like they're being raped by a horse. In spite of all this, it was still worth every cent of my eight dollars.

I felt oddly fulfilled after taking those photos. I think it's because I've wanted them ever since I was a child.

OH, also, we stayed at a hotel that night. Still in Adelaide, so it was kind of pointless, but we had free vouchers that expired that weekend, so we had to make the most of it! So much fun. Nice change of scene. But that story doesn't fit with this post. So I'll end it now.

Moral of the story: Thinking of doing something? Stop waiting. Just do it! Even if it costs you eight dollars and your boyfriend gets violated by a metal stool in the process.

Remember, a dog is not for Christmas. It can also be for a birthday. In fact, you can eat them all year round!- Shaun Micallef

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Lew Kettle (aka Papa/Grandpa)
18th July 2009 at approximately 5pm