
Monday, January 31, 2011

The Little Man in the Cute Hat.

Last semester at uni, I had 10am lectures every day. That means I took the bus around 9:20am everyday and theoretically should have been at uni in time for my lectures everyday. It never happened like that because my bus was always late or unbelievably early (PUBLIC TRANSPORT TIMETABLES ALWAYS LIE!) but nevertheless I would always leave my house around 9:15am*

*(+/- 20 minutes depending on how many times I hit the 'snooze' button.)

Anyway whenever I would leave the house, everyday without fail there would be a little old Asian man (Think Chinese, Vietnamese, Cambodian or a mix of them) shuffling past my house, standing in front of my driveway. Every morning. If I was late he would be shuffling slowly past my bus stop and up to the park nearby. The man always wore a big jacket and a little beanie/cap like thing. It was like a bobble hat without the bobble but also had flaps, (though I always imagine him with a bobble now because it's cute). He would always stop and look at me as I left the house.

Let me give you a mental image. Think of Jackie Chan. Not just any Jackie Chan. Think of a cross between "Old Man" Jackie Chan in Forbidden Kingdom:
 and Jackie Chan in The Karate Kid.
 Now, I'm not saying every old Asian man looks like Jackie Chan. My grandpa was an old asian man and he sure didn't. Nor am I saying that Jackie Chan is old. Jackie Chan is the most awesome person ever and I plan to be in a movie with him one day. Him and Will Smith. But I'll blog about those later. This man that obviously lives nearby (probably 2 or 3 doors down) really reminds me of these two characters. Both have a kind of silent wisdom about them. Both glanced at the protagonist (in this case, me XD) everyday as if watching them and analysing them. The man down the road is in between these two characters age-wise. He's not as old as the Forbidden Kingdom JC (He doesn't have white hair and doesn't quite look like he's about to die), but not as young as The Karate Kid JC (Looks a bit more frail than that). Furthermore the Karate Kid JC wears the same cute hat as my little man.

Some may say that the man simply goes for a walk everyday at the same time as I leave my house. HOWEVER. From these similarities I have concluded one thing. In both of these movies, Jackie Chan has kept watch over some young person for an extended period of time before suddenly teaching them kung-fu or something similar and leading them to save the world (etc). I therefore must be the Chosen One. When it comes time for some disaster, this little man in the cute hat will come to my door and say:

"Ojaye, I have been watching you for a long time. You are the Chosen One. Only you can stop [insert disaster here]. Come with me and I will teach you the ways of [insert fighting/defending/hero thing here]."

Then he will train me with sticks and swords and hand-to-hand combat and I will finally be like those cool people in movies.

It could happen.

"We can hang in my crib. I will show you my 'hood." - Jackie Chan, Rush Hour.