What is it?
Aren't you a bit old for that?
No. No one is ever too old for Pokemon. Especially not me.
Dude, I played it when I was like 8 years old. I'm over it.
WELL I'M NOT. And ever since Pokemon Yellow, the first one I played, they have been my favourite games of all time. When the next games came out, I was really disappointed that your Pokemon don't follow you anymore like Pikachu did in Pokemon Yellow.
Get a life, Ojaye.
I HAVE A LIFE. I DO. But I like these games. So for those who care as much as me, I'll list what I know about these games so far.
Please don't. I don't care.
SCREW YOU. If you don't like it, stop reading! >=(
Alright I will.
They'll be Gold and Silver remakes.
They'll have Pokemon that follow you around.
There will be something called the PokeWalker. Looks interesting. You can see the PokeWalker in the Japanese trailer below. IT'S CUTE. It's like a little Pedometer that you can send pokemon from your DS to this thing. When you walk around, your pokemon's health and happiness goes up and you can also catch pokemon and send them to your DS apparently. There will be items and a diary too. There's other details and stuff I've missed, because I should be studying right now. To read up more about the PokeWalker, which I think is awesome, click hereeeee!
It'll be out in America in Spring 2010.
SO FAR AWAY. I have to wait so long. Maybe I can get my hands on a Japanese version for a while. When Pokemon Platinum came out, I tried playing it in Japanese because I couldn't wait, then I gave up because I was too lazy to figure it out. Anyway, here are some trailers I found. One is in English and one is in Japanese.
"I haven't seen this many strange letters since I placed an ad in the personals!"
-James, Pokémon 3
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG THAT IS SO COOL! I'm gonna tell my sister. Gotta love pokemon :D
i'm not so much a fan of the DSgames but all the ones on the nintendo 64: YES,YES,YES! no one is ever to old for pokemon.ever.
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