
Friday, November 6, 2009

Things I want to steal from the school.

This week is my last week of year 12. That means that I'll have to give back all the textbooks I borrowed over the year. Unfortunately, I'm finding it difficult to part with some of them. So that I feel better about parting with them, I'll write the titles here so I can buy them later. Clever me.

The Century of Invention: Piano Music of the 20th Century.
Selected and Introduced by Maurice Hinson.
 Just a collection of sheet music. I performed two songs from this book, and played a few more just for fun. Such a shame to part with this one, I've had it for two years. My teacher told me that this book is quite pricey, but I found it here and could save 56 cents.

All Quiet on the Western Front
Erich Maria Remarque
I had to read and analyse this for English Studies, then wrote a paired text essay for it with Fly Away Peter by David Malouf. All Quiet on the Western Front is a really good read, and I really want to read it again  just for enjoyment, without having to analyse every quote for possible essay questions. I'm too lazy at the moment, though, so I just want to buy it and read it later.

Lieder ohne Worte: Songs Without Words
Felix Mendelssohn
OH, THE HORROR! I was tempted to steal this book. Another collection of sheet music, this had one of my favourite pieces in it: Op. 102 No 4. Definately buying this one at some point in my life. I don't want to forget this song.

Grande Sonate Pathetique: Piano Sonata in c minor op. 13
Ludwig Van Beethoven
C'mon. It's Beethoven. Need I say more?

The World's Contracted Thus: Major Poetry from Chaucer to Plath
Edited by J.A. and J.K. McKenzie
I like poetry. Shut up. T.S. Eliot has got to be my favourite. I would keep this copy but it's actually my teacher's from high school. I assume she did what I'm tempted to do, but I can't be sure.

I think that's all for now. If I find any more books I'm tempted to steal, I'll let you all know, because I know how much you care. And I'm touched.

You know your children are growing up when they stop asking you where they came from and refuse to tell you where they're going.
- P. J. O'Rourke


Anonymous said...

OLIVIA...YOU SHOULD GO TO THE ALLAN'S MUSIC SALE ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY... TOMORROW AND THE DAY AFTER!!! They'll prob have your music books on for sale!!! hopefully :D They said it's up to like..40% sale on sheet music and prints!!! :) ANDDDDDDDDDD I tried returning my books today to the bookroom, and I couldn't because it wasn't open. >=( So my bag was heavy all day. >=( AND yes. Steal them. I dare you ;D I stole a library book from my primary school. By accident. Well... I had to do an assignment on birds, and I borrowed this book without using my library card cos, I couldn't be bothered. And I haven't returned it since. HAHAHA XD

Anonymous said...

what is the word for this...... klepto =D

Anonymous said...

what a rebel gaijin........

Anonymous said...

holy crap
T.S. Eliot is almost Toilets backwards