You're my friend. I love you. Hey, share a smile with those around you. If you send this to 25 people, you're an amazing friend. If you don't send this back to me, we are officially enemies. How dare you be so thoughtless and not send it back. I don't care. They're stupid and fill up my inbox, and I delete them. Unless they're actually good ones. Sometimes they are, and if my dad sends them to me, it normally means that there will be an asshole punchline that will amuse me. I like those.
You know what thought? Sometimes smiling is a good thing. I'm actually well known for smiling at everyone. It's a bit of a nervous habit, but I also just like to smile. Big. Like this:
I was going to post a photo but now I'm having second thoughts.
Let me tell you a story. One day I was at the supermarket, buying a drink because it's cheaper than cafes and stuff. I'm clever like that. The only checkout chick who didn't have a line as long as (something really long), was a woman about my mother's age who did not look happy. In fact, I thought she was going to yell at me for choosing her checkout. I approached her nervously, at first avoiding eye contact but as I put my bottle on the counter, I looked up at her and automatically smiled as I usually do. Her reaction was: "OH! What a beautiful smile! That's so nice! I'm so glad you smiled at me, thank you! You've made my day, I really needed that!" She went on and on like that. It got me thinking, do people actually care if you smile?
I've been learning in psychology (even though it's common knowledge) that you're more attractive if you smile. Whenever I'm walking with my friend Eric and there's a shop assistant/charity person/advertising something person/whatever, he always says "They're going to go to you first. Watch." and they always do. Apparently I'm approachable. That might also be why homeless people and druggies also stand in front of me and ask me for a dollar until my dad swears at them, or I freak out and jog past them.
What am I trying to say? I have no idea. Smile if you want. People will like you. You don't have to smile though. People might ask you for money.
Ok, as a bonus for reading this, I'll show you a comparison of what I look like when I am smiling and when I am not smiling. You can decide which you prefer, and then we will see if my psychology lecture was correct.
Here is me smiling:
This is me (in red) with the beautiful Super Duper, who braved the rain to say goodbye to me at the airport. [and get cheap lunch on tuesdays at IKEA next door.]
This is me on a bad day, when I'm in a terrible mood:
I actually think I'm kinda sexy when I'm pouty and in a bad mood like that, but I have no say in this. You decide.
Oh Oj, we know you're joking - we're joking too. XD
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