This is a drawing of the first time I ever laughed at someone falling over. It happened at uni before my chemistry lecture and I had to hold my laughter until I walked away because I didn't want to hurt his feelings. After holding it in for a few minutes, I laughed constantly throughout my lecture, and drew it. The guy was walking normally and fell backwards. On nothing. It's like his hat as too heavy for his head, so he fell on his butt and then just lay down. He wasn't hurt but his friend looked at him blankly as if to say "What the hell are you doing?" And the guy said something along the lines of "I fell."
Thuong: Hey Mara, are they flies in your drink? I think there are flies in your drink.
Mara: No, they're my delicious seeds. I want to grow passionfruit in my belly.
HAHA Olivia. Gotta love that picture. :)
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