
Thursday, August 19, 2010

You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl

I am obsessive. When I like something, I like it too much. When I was a toddler I was obsessed with animals and constantly pretended I was a cat, meowing everything I said and expecting people to understand me. (The meows would have the same rhythm as the sentences I was saying. Example: "Hello" was "Meow meow" and "how are you?" was "Meow meow meow?")

When I was in school, I was obsessed with Pokemon. Ok, I'm still obsessed, but MUCH less than I was before. Trust me on that. Both the cat and pokemon incidents led my mum to believe I would never have friends. She openly and honestly admits that because even I'm surprised I managed to make friends so easily.

Now I am a hormone-raging teenager, I am obsessed with social aspects of life. Friends, and, of course, the boyfriend. I'm so creepy. I wouldn't date me. My other obsession is musicccccccc. That's one of my lifelong ones. When I like music I dive into it and relate to every single freaking song I hear. If the guy is in love with a girl in the song, I'll fall in love with her too and think, "aww she sounds so perfect!" or I'll go "I hope I'm like that too..." Anyway let's get on with what I'm actually writing about for this post.

Florence and the Machine. Very good music. I love her lyrics. I used to repeat 'Rabbit Heart' over and over and over again. The other day in the boyfriend's car, Mara played "Howl" on repeat on Grant's mp3 player. I couldn't hear the lyrics because we were talking. I went home and listened to it properly and became completely addicted to the song.

If you could only see the beast you've made of me
I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free
Screaming in the dark, I howl when we're apart
Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart

Song: Howl
Artist: Florence and the Machine
Album: Lungs

That's not the only song I've come across this week that I love. No, this is not 'song of the week.' I have another one. When I started listening to this, I had to push condoms into my ears to protect myself because HER MUSIC IS SEX. SEX FOR EARS.

Song: Precious
Artist: Esperanza Spalding
Album: Esperanza

Esperanza Spalding: Another girl crush. She's added to my list of girl crushes. I might post a blog of my girl crushes one day. She has an amazing singing voice and plays sexy double bass AT THE SAME TIME.





Invokion said...

Awwww :D
I remember you telling me about the cat thing xD

Friends? You have none.
Not joking.
Nah I am.

Or am I
Or am i not
