
Saturday, October 30, 2010


I watched a movie many years ago about a lion on a farm with two men and a boy. There was more to it but you know, that's all I rememeber from the movie. A quote in it really hit me and I've remembered it ever since. I forgot the name of the movie, but tonight, after participating in a very passionate discussion about Evolution vs the Bible, I searched for this movie via IMDb to find the quote. I just typed "lion" and the movie title just happened to be the first one that came up: Secondhand Lions.

So the quote I remember was something along the lines of: "Always believe in something. If you don't believe in anything, anyone can tell you anything and you'll believe it." It really really stuck with me. However I looked up the database today and found this quote: 

Hub: Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the most. That people are basically good; that honor, courage, and virtue mean everything; that power and money, money and power mean nothing; that good always triumphs over evil; and I want you to remember this, that love... true love never dies. You remember that, boy. You remember that. Doesn't matter if it's true or not. You see, a man should believe in those things, because those are the things worth believing in.

WHAT?! THAT'S NOT WHAT I REMEMBER AT ALL. I lived by that phrase! Either the quote I was thinking of wasn't on the website, or I made up my own quote. Did I just make up my own movie in my head?! I think I did! I think I did what Homer Simpson did and make up my own movie when I got bored!

Damn it, meg!

Homer: Wait, I'm confused about the movie ... so the cops knew Internal Affairs was setting them up?

Man: What are you talking about? There's nothing like that in there.
Homer: Well, you see when I get bored I make up my own movies. I have a very short attention span
Lady: But our point is very simple, you see when...
Homer: Oh look! A bird! Hee hee hee!
(Homer runs after the bird)
Anyway I still think that's a good thing to live by and yeah. Totally giving advice from my blog.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Shake it 'til you just can't stand no more!

You know, I once auditioned for So You Think You Can Dance: Australia but they said I was too good and it wouldn't be fair to the other contestants. I agreed and decided not to go on the show after all.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Firemen and movie stars!

You know what annoys me? SPAM. And not the meat spam. I've never actually tried that, I'm sure it's nice. It looks really nice. I should buy some one day. I'm so hungry. What am I talking about? Oh right, spam.

Have you ever wondered why everytime you comment, it requires "approval" from me? If you write blogs too I'm sure you know why. If not, here's why:

Every time I log into this blog, I open the homepage and see like "4385 comments" (because that's how popular I am in my mind. In reality it might be like 3 - 5 depending on how often I log in or post) I get so excited. I love comments, they make me happy. Everytime I read them I'm like "YAAAAAAAAY!" People like Thuong, Daniel, Mara and Jackie tend to comment a lot so they're my favourite readers ;) Anyway I'll open up my comments, heart full of hope, and begin to read them.

This is when my heart sinks :(
Instead of finding comments from people, I find comments from ROBOTS.

They spam me! They spam me like there's no tomorrow! In reality, 90% of the comments I get are spam, so I delete them. :( Especially on my Bruce Willis post. I'm assuming robots like Bruce Willis. I wish I didn't get spam. Unless I was friends with those robots. If I were friends with robots, I'd get spam and I'd say "That's so nice, they read my post" But for now, until I learn to read robot language and befriend them, they're such a hassle. Email spam is the same! I open up my emails like "OMG I'M SO POPULAR" and then I read about how my penis is not big enough, or hard enough. I need to please my woman.

Or there's some other alien language! HOW DID ALIENS GET MY EMAIL ANYWAY? I'm assuming they don't think my penis is big enough either!


P.S You know what? Spam doesn't really annoy me that much. It's just a lot of clicking.

Mum's Facebook status: I had lemons and made lemonade....I had oranges and I added vodka

Jordan's comment: and 2 others like this.
Ojaye's comment: And then you gave it to your daughter... And she drank it all.
Jordan's comment: and got drunk. Thus the brain damage

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Nelly - Just a Dream

For those of you who don't know what Nelly looks like:
Wait a second.

HERE he is:
Nelly: Hardcore rapper, not pink elephant who packed her trunk and said goodbye to the circus.

You know, I like Nelly. I like this song. It's nice. There's just this one thing that bugs me. Nelly is a giant cheater. If I could play chess and were playing chess with him, I wouldn't look away because I think he would move my pieces around. This is why I think he's a giant cheater:

"If you ever loved somebody put your hands up.
If you ever loved somebody put your hands up."

Now, I'm no expert on people or anything, but I assume this will cause everybody to put their hands up.Whether the have loved romantically or familally (I just made up my own word for family love because I couldn't think of the right one) was no specified. THAT WAS YOUR PLAN ALL ALONG, WASN'T IT, NELLY? You just want everyone to put their hands up! Cheater!

You know, some artists just call everyone to put their hands up. They tell them to wave their hands in the air like they just don't care (Here is a list of songs that request people do this). Some artists are selective. They tell everybody in the club to get tipsy (J Kwon, 2004). Or everyone on the dance floor to grab a partner or something. But you, good sir. You use mind games to make people think that they are special and meet your criteria for putting their hands up. But in actual fact you are being a 'hands up' whore and referring to everyone!

I will not fall for such shenanigans. I have loved many people and therefore I am obligated to put my hands up. But as I do, I will yell "THAT MEANS HE WANTS EVERYONE TO DO IT."

And don't tell me that he later adds "And now they're gone and you wish you could give them everything." after the "If you've ever loved somebody" line, because by the time you hear this, your hands are already up. Everything is ruined.

Anyway here's the song.

*trying to sleep*
Ojaye: Jord, can you turn the light off please?
Jordan: Wait, no not yet. I'm getting changed and I don't like to be naked in the dark. I glow.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


... was my dream last night. There was a theme park with red dinosaurs in it, and they came to life! But they didn't just start moving like statues in movies. They ACTUALLY CAME TO LIFE. LIKE REAL DINOSAURS. ONLY RED. Then some zombies came for some reason!!

The dinosaurs couldn't see very well and weren't very fast, so we were walking away from them quickly. We were still scared though, for some reason. If they were chasing you in a straight line, you could walk into another room if you were really quiet and they wouldn't notice. My friend Thuong was in the dream, and kept getting chased by a small red T-Rex. (But still much bigger than a human.) She was really scared and had this look on her face like "OMG T-REX" as you would. Everytime she would silently walk into another room, she would whimper and the T-Rex would find her again. Silly Thuong!

There was also a room full of red centipedes. My whole family, boyfriend Grant and family friend Belinda were sitting in this giant room with hundreds of other people, and giant centipedes on the floor. (About 30cm in length, a few inches wide?) They couldn't see, so everyone in the room (instead of walking out of the room quietly) was just sitting there, still and quietly, staring at the stupid bugs. I had been touched by these bugs before, and if they touched you, you would be teleported back to your bedroom/house for some reason. Everyone thought you would die if they touched you, so no one did. I whispered to Grant & Belinda that it just teleported you and they both went "Why the hell are we still here?" and made LOTS of noise so the centipedes would touch them and they disappeared. I was like WHAT THE HELL? and my parents were like "where did they go?! O_O" The problem with them teleporting was that they might be teleported to a zombie-infested house or something. But they didn't think of that because people in my dreams are stupid. Really stupid.

After a while I came to my senses and walked out of the room, followed by some friends and family. We went to my primary school, which also had many red dinosaurs. I was looking for Grant and Belinda because I was worried about them being eaten.

Then I woke up.

I hope I have that dream again, I'm smarter now that I'm awake.

Ojaye: Erectile dysfunction could mean a bunch of other problems, like heart problems. I learnt it on Oprah...
Grant: Or like an unattractive wife.

Friday, October 22, 2010


I saw an awesome shirt today! My friend Daniel was wearing it. It was blank, with "This is my best shirt" written on it. Everytime I see him, he's wearing a cool shirt. Has anyone else got a friend like that? Where they have awesome clothes? I just want to rip it off them when I see them. Just have a casual conversation with them and suddenly grab them by the collar and rip the shirt over their head and run away as they chase me and yell that I'm insane.

There was a point to this blog but I can't remember what it was. That seems to happen a lot, doesn't it? I'm doing an essay about MRI scans at the moment. My goodness it's boring. I mean, interesting in its own special way but come on, I just want it to be finished.

OOOO! I found an awesome link. Does anybody remember this book? I used to have it when I was young. I still might have it somewhere, I don't know why my mother would be so heartless as to sell it. There is a Monster at the End of this Book.

Nice. I should end this post because I really have nowhere to go with it. Here's a dress I like and want to buy.

 *watching Ghost Whisperer*
Ojaye: Wait, what did they promise?
Mum: They promised not to hide their gift from each other, and not hide from each other anymore. It's called a gift for a reason and stuff. Like you and I have the gift of dance.
Mum: ... and we have to hide it from everyone.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


So I had a really bad day Thursday. (Keep reading, this isn't a 'sad' blog. I'm going somewhere with this!)

I woke up in the morning for my prac (Chemistry in the laboratories) and my labcoat and safety glasses were not where I had left them. I've been driving my brother to school a lot lately so I had little time to look for it. (I later found it under two giant teddy bears I got for my birthday this year). Those who do pracs would know without a labcoat, glasses and appropriate shoes, you simply aren't allowed to participate. This results in a fail. (You may be able to reschedule but it's a hassle and I have no time for that.) I was really tired as well so I was freaking out, stressing, crying, angry. You know, the whole bit.

Anyway I texted a few friends and found I could hire the things I needed from uni for a fee. I had a feeling you could do this but I didn't want to rely on it, seeing as they may run out of lab coats etc... so I hired a ripped, stained labcoat which smelled of a thousand sweaty adolescent men. I got a pair of beaten-up lab glasses but it was better than nothing.

After my prac, I got on the bus an I felt awful. Nauseous. Very sick. I was actually getting worried as I began to grow more and more uncomfortable in my seat. All of a sudden, my stomach started to constrict and I started to gag and lurch etc. My body was trying to vomit but the person in front of me was wearing a nice hat so I didn't want to ruin it. Also the girl next to me would have been shocked. For the first time in my life, I was able to stop myself from violently vomiting. In the past I haven't been so lucky. After the incident, I was sweating and shaking the whole way home. I called my mum when I got off the bus and told her (because I didn't want to scare anyone around me. XD) I was terrified, I didn't know what was wrong with me. I was trying to think of all the reasons why I would be feeling this way. (Mum: "You're not pregnant are you?!") I hadn't eaten or had a drink all day. I hadn't had much sleep. I was stressed from the morning's incidents. The bus driver was driving like a formula 1 racer and I have a tendency to get car sick (but never that bad).

Then I remembered! In the labs I had been using a lot of chemicals with fumes. For some reason I could smell them strongly while others didn't notice. I also remembered that I'm pretty sensitive to fumes, as I can't use bleach often when cleaning because it makes me sick too. I flipped through my laboratory manual to find this:

ETHYL ACETATE: May be harmful by inhalation, ingestion or skin absorption. Prolonged exposure can cause: nausea, headache and vomiting and narcotic effect.
Inhalation: Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.

Damn it, Chemistry! Why can't we just be friends?!

Anyway, something that day made everything all better. Well not really because I thought I was going to die but this was really nice. When I was waiting at my bus stop, there were some FIREMEN IN TOWN. Like, A LOT OF THEM. Hundreds! I don't know why they weren't out fighting fires, but they weren't. They weren't wearing their awesome uniforms, they were wearing police-like uniforms with "Fire Dept" on the side or something like that. There were a few near my bus stop, laughing and talking. There had obviously been some huge event or award ceremony or something. Next to me, there was a homeless man looking through a rubbish bin. In South Australia, if we take drink cans to the recycling dept. we get 10c for every can we recycle. This can add up. I've seen this man before, he seems to work very hard gathering cans to make money to live. He carts them around everywhere. He was looking through the bin next to me when a fireman started walking towards him with a big cardboard box. Inside the box was - what appeared to be - all the cans that they had gathered from the event they had just attended.
"Merry Christmas!" The fireman smiled.
The homeless man looked up at him, shocked. Everyone in the vicinity was smiling. There had to be at least $5-$10 worth of cans in there. That is a lot of cans.

Kinda restores your faith in humanity, doesn't it?

And firemen have always been freakin' awesome to me, so that's just made me love them even more. Omg.

Ojaye: I like these glasses. I want sunglasses like these but everyone has them. Heaps of people at uni wear them and I don't want them because of that.
Mum: It's about time you started to fit in. Don't worry about not wearing what everyone else is wearing... Remember when I told you when you were young to have your own style, don't wear what everyone else is, don't follow the crowd? I was lying. I only told you that to save money. You're a but embarassing to be around now, you should start trying to fit in more.