
Tuesday, November 16, 2010


...for now!

Now that I'm free, I've started working everyday to get dosh! Though I have decided I want to go jogging as much as I can now that I have the time. I go jogging every so often, and 90% of the time it's when no one is home because I'm embarrasssssseeeddd.

I also play beach volleyball! It's the best sport in the world. When I googled a photo for beach volleyball I noticed all the photos were of women's asses, so here's a picture of a woman's ass.

Seriously. Search "beach volleyball" in Google images and see how many asses/pervy photos of women come up. XD

Anyway while I was at beach volleyball yesterday, a friend from church took two photos of us. In both photos, I was standing still and my stomach was sticking out! I was slouching in one of them too. I looked pregnant and it was awful! My body image isn't too bad so normally photos don't bug me but omg! It bugged me!
What the hell is this?!
So anyway it's good that it was taken because I knowww I'm not fat but it gave me motivation to stick to my after-exams resolution to jog more! WOO. But ew. That photo. I'd post it but I know the comments will be either "it doesn't look that bad" or "FATTY MCFATTERSON" either way I don't need comments about the photo, because it's about how I feel about it, and I think it's a healthy motivation ;)

Anywho I shall go now! I have to remind myself to blog about an old asian man that's been walking past my house every morning.
[Friends - Chandler's key broke in Monica's door]
Chandler: I love you.
Monica: I love you too.
Chandler: Are you hugging the door right now?
Monica: Um... no?
Chandler: Uh... yeah, yeah, me neither.

Friday, November 12, 2010

You know what's great?

NOT having food poisoning during exams! In my exams last semester, I got food poisoning the day before my first exam. I thought I was going to die. My uncle probably poisoned me, haha. But yeah my Uncle and Grandma were visiting and I was really really nervous about my first ever exam at Uni... and it was my most dreaded one: Biology exam.

See, you'd normally think Chemistry is would be my worst exam, and it normally is, but my last Chemistry exam involved a lot of maths... and I'm cool with maths. So though I was worried about it, I was a million times more worried about biology because I'd never taken biology as a subject before and I didn't understand the crazy biology language. You know, I've taken science subjects all through high school, but I'm not really a 'science' person. I'm like a borderline science/artsy person. Science people are so... science-y. And I'm so... not science-y. I pretend to be but really, I'm like the idiot's guide to science. If I understand something well, I can explain it to people because I drop alllll the technical language. I'm so un-science-y that I think of genes and stuff like hot dogs and then the hot dog buns fall off and then genes can be copied. Stuff like that. Which is why I'll never be a scientist. I'll work with people because they'll understand me and science people will be like "What hot dogs? What the hell are you on about?" It's a lot easier now, because I'm more used to it, but when I was thrown in for the first time it was overwhelming. So much science!

American Hot Dogs look disgustingly delicious.

Anyway what was I talking about? Food poisoning. So I was studying really hard for my biology exam and my family went out to one of my favourite restaurants with my Uncle and Grandma. They kindly brought me back a nasi lemak in a takeaway container. <3 I was so excited. As I started eating it, I thought it tasted a bit funny.

"Don't worry, it's just cause it's all mixed together" they said, because I don't normally mix my nasi lemak ALL together.

So I ate it.

Later that night, I started to feel sick and sweaty/feverish.
"You're just nervous" my parents said.
"I'm not, I'm sick. I'm definately sick." I said. By now, I know the difference. Not that I needed anything done about it, I just needed someone to believe that I was sick.
They wouldn't believe me. They said it was nerves.

So in the morning I woke up, very pale, and got in the car. I felt very very queasy and feverish. My parents were giving me the usual pep talk. "you'll do the first question and you'll realise, 'I can do this!' and then your stomach pains will go away."
"I think it was the nasi lemak," I said
"Trust me, you'll feel better as you're doing the exam," they replied.

Ok, so I got out of the car at the showgrounds where the exam was held. As I was walking, I felt light-headed. I needed to vomit. But there was nowhere around to vomit. It was just pavement. But there was a line of trees (this is next to the ferris wheel by the way.) I had just walked past. I had to make a quick calculation in my head: *can I run behind the ferris wheel and do it there, or do I have to do it out in the open?* I wouldn't make it to the ferris wheel. I turned around and walked very quickly back to the closest tree and .. you know. Did my thing. There was a girl walking past at that moment. I was SO embarrassed, I covered my face. I can only assume she thought I was hungover on the day of an exam.

So I still went into the exam and, looking at the exam paper later, you could tell I was sick. The writing was HUGE and slanted, as if all the muscles in my arm had disintegrated. But it didn't matter, I passed with food poisoning.

Needless to say my parents believed me when I got back in the car, sweating and shaking. Then went home and died.


Update: Whoops. I forgot to add that I walked past those trees on Monday at my Biology exam and again on Wednesday for my Chemistry exam. I noticed that the tree I threw up on has not grown as much as the other trees. It's noticably smaller. I can't help but feel responsible.

The tree looked as pathetic as Charlie Brown's Christmas Tree. :( I'm sorry, little tree.

Somehow I enjoy watching people suffer.
- George Carlin

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Chemistry Exam

So I had my chemistry exam yesterday, and though I studied like a crazyperson for it, I really think I failed.
I'm hoping I didn't.
But I think I did.

Nooooot a good feeling.

But then again, I have a friend who, during the multiple choice section, put his questions aside, didn't look at them, and coloured in random bubbles.
Daniel: "You know how to really screw everyone up? Make EVERY answer A. Everyone will be like 'WHAT THE HELL'"

Spongebob: "Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets!"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

List of things to do!

Saturday evening will mark the end of my exams and therefore the end of my first year of University. I'm looking forward to the following things:
  • Eating out with friends
  • Going to The Cavern, a band room in the city. It's like the best place in the world
  • Celebrating my 2 year anniversary with some dude ;)
  • Jamming with my other half of It's Almost Friday
  • Working on my Jazz piano/bass skillz
  • Knitting/sewing (shut up. I like those things)
  • Finally finishing my blog layout... maybe
  • Shopping
  • Running/Sports/Swimming (If myself from 5 years ago read this, I'd think I was crazy)
  • I'd like to go to some sort of dress up party because I couldn't on Halloween! D: (Time to hang up my shame curtains)
  • Casino/clubbing ;D
I have a lot of TV shows I want to watch in the holidays. Dedicate a day to just watch as much as I can.

Friends. Everybody knows this show. I don't think it ever gets old.
How I Met Your Mother. I think this is the 'Modern Day' Friends. The origin of the Bro Code and all that is good in this world.
Spongebob Squarepants. It's been a while since I've seen the newer episodes... I have to catch up!
Dr Who. You know, I never thought I'd like this show. BUT IT'S SO EXCITING. I always get so curious as to how it will end! Last time I left an episode it had 3 minutes to go and I'm STILL on the edge of my seat... My friend recently got a Dr Who tattoo because she loves it so much.

Now... it is time for me to continue studying Chemistry. Ugh. I can't learn anymore. Kill me nowwwww.

Mr. Krabs: [Attempting to convince SpongeBob to give him a hat] I didn't want to tell you this in front of Patrick, but that hat makes you look like a girl.
SpongeBob SquarePants: Am I a pretty girl?
Mr. Krabs: Well... yes, you're... you're beautiful.
[Mailman passing by stares at Mr. Krabs in disgust]

Monday, November 8, 2010

Dedicated to one of the best people I have ever known.

A crappy poem dedicated to a friend who is the complete opposite of crappy.

The Tickets
By Olivia

I have a friend.
Her name is Thuong Mong.
I've known her...
for a time quite long.

She offered me tickets to a concert of Jazz
Sad, I couldn't go, for I had volleyball and examz.
"Oh, he's George Benson" she said, mentioning his name
"OH MY GOD! HIM?!" I squealed, knowing his talent and fame.

"My dad likes him too," I said with a sigh.
Thuong offered, "Would he like to come.. tonigh?"
"Put him on the phone" Thuong said (with a smile, I assume)
So I ran to my dad in the other room.

Giving him the phone, I squealed to my mum
"Thuong has tickets to George Benson!"
Dad accepted the invite,
to everyone's delight,
because he loves George Benson with all his might.

Thuong didn't know,
But we had tried to buy or win
tickets to this concert,
Though we couldn't, we wanted to for him.

Though sad I can't go,
I love having a friend
who would give a ticket to my dad
I love you Miss Nguyen.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Phone dilemma!

I've been looking at new phones for quite a while now. I have a Samsung SGH-G800 and I love it. It's my lovable brick and it's been very good to me. However, recently, well not really recently. This year, from wear-and-tear (and being dropped constantly), it's been dying. I've had it repaired three times and it's slowly fading away. It's still usable, but this has caused me to start researching new phones. I'm EXTREMELY picky. Like you wouldn't believe. The only reason I'm picky is because I use my phone constantly and I use most - if not all - features that my phone offers. Of course I'm going to want something reliable and stuff.

So I've looked into a few. I'm a bit of an old woman in the fact that I'm not a huge fan of touch screens. I wasn't a fan of slide phones before either. But I know I'm going to have to move on and stop living in the past. :(

Every iPhone user has told me to just get an iPhone. I've looked into it. I like them. I like every Apple product, Apple is my friend. We hang out all the time. Shopping, sleepovers, parties, you name it, Apple and I have done it together. I love you, Apple.

But there is one deal-breaker for me and Mr iPhone.

I've been told that iPhones do not facilitate file transfers phone to phone, unless it's another iPhone.

Apparently it's to stop people sending copyrighted stuff. But... MEGA dealbreaker, Apple! WHY? :( You lost yourself an awesome customer: ME! I love you but I do not love that idea. I use file transfer between friends all the time with photos and videos and stuff. It's something I use VERY often, I don't want to lose something as crucial as that. It's like losing my finger D: And I play piano! So that's bad. My friend Tom, a hardcore iPhone junkie has told me numerous times that I'm crazy and should just get an iPhone, but I can't do it. Not yet. Not until they fix that problem, those copyright nazis.

So I've been looking into other phones, namely the Nokia N97 mini, though I've gone off that one now because EVERYONE has it and there are about 20 for sale at Cash Converters in Chinatown, indicating something's wrong with it.

Another one is the Nokia N8, because it seems to have all the features I'm looking for and it comes in Orange. I love orange.

I've heard Samsung Galaxy S is good too. Anyone have any ideas on phones? Keep in mind that it will be used constantly and will probably be thrown around a lot. I'll probably use a case now since all new phones are flimsy pieces of crap and not lovable bricks. >:(

"Hardware: the parts of a computer that can be kicked."

-Jeff Pesis

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bwana, the Great White Fly Hunter

Dear flies that have been bugging me all day,

STAY ON YOUR SIDE OF THE ROOM! You should appreciate that I'm letting you live! I hate you! I'm trying to study, LEAVE ME ALONE OR I'LL GET THE SPRAY.

Love, Ojaye.

P.S. Send a message to all your spider friends to stay out of my shower too. They're creeping me out with their perverted arachnid-y ways.

"But although I don’t go out of my way to bother living things, I am not without personal standards. A mosquito on my arm, an ant or a cockroach in my kitchen, a moth approaching my lapel; these animals will die. Other insects in my home, however, the ones who merely wish to rest awhile, will be left alone. Or, if noisy and rowdy, lifted gently and returned to the great outdoors.

I am also perfectly willing to share the room with a fly, as long as he is patrolling the portion of the room that I don’t occupy. But if he starts that smart-ass fly shit, buzzing my head and repeatedly landing on my arm, he is engaging in high-risk behavior. That’s when I roll up the sports section and become Bwana, the great white fly hunter!

Sometimes there’s an older fly in the room, one who flies slowly and can’t travel too far in one hop – or it might be a female, heavy with eggs. In this case, even if the fly is bothering me, I don’t kill it; instead, I adopt it as a short-term pet. I might even give it a name. Probably something based on mythology." - George Carlin, comedy genius.