
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

List of things to do!

Saturday evening will mark the end of my exams and therefore the end of my first year of University. I'm looking forward to the following things:
  • Eating out with friends
  • Going to The Cavern, a band room in the city. It's like the best place in the world
  • Celebrating my 2 year anniversary with some dude ;)
  • Jamming with my other half of It's Almost Friday
  • Working on my Jazz piano/bass skillz
  • Knitting/sewing (shut up. I like those things)
  • Finally finishing my blog layout... maybe
  • Shopping
  • Running/Sports/Swimming (If myself from 5 years ago read this, I'd think I was crazy)
  • I'd like to go to some sort of dress up party because I couldn't on Halloween! D: (Time to hang up my shame curtains)
  • Casino/clubbing ;D
I have a lot of TV shows I want to watch in the holidays. Dedicate a day to just watch as much as I can.

Friends. Everybody knows this show. I don't think it ever gets old.
How I Met Your Mother. I think this is the 'Modern Day' Friends. The origin of the Bro Code and all that is good in this world.
Spongebob Squarepants. It's been a while since I've seen the newer episodes... I have to catch up!
Dr Who. You know, I never thought I'd like this show. BUT IT'S SO EXCITING. I always get so curious as to how it will end! Last time I left an episode it had 3 minutes to go and I'm STILL on the edge of my seat... My friend recently got a Dr Who tattoo because she loves it so much.

Now... it is time for me to continue studying Chemistry. Ugh. I can't learn anymore. Kill me nowwwww.

Mr. Krabs: [Attempting to convince SpongeBob to give him a hat] I didn't want to tell you this in front of Patrick, but that hat makes you look like a girl.
SpongeBob SquarePants: Am I a pretty girl?
Mr. Krabs: Well... yes, you're... you're beautiful.
[Mailman passing by stares at Mr. Krabs in disgust]


Anonymous said...

you left out the casino, i knew you would ditch our date

Anonymous said...

^@Above comment: Vicky? Date? HAHAHAHA. If it is Vicky.

HEY, I started knitting today! An orange scarf! :D

And yes, we definitely gotta jam. Missing our jam seshz. Foshizzle. Should. stop. getting. distracted.