I've written one line and it's already stolen from somewhere else. Those who have played Portal 2 may recognise it.... [there are no spoilers in the video, it's basically a trailer.]
Aaaaaaand there you go. Nice segue into talking about Portal 2. My brother bought it on PS3 when it first came out, and got an extra Steam version. Guess who has two thumbs and got the Steam version? THIS GUUUUUUUUUUY! *points at self*
Every review gives it a 10/10 and I'm no different. It was eeexxcellent. The characters were quirky and lovable. As you can probably tell from the video above. You did watch it didn't you? No? FORSHAME. I do have one complaint though, and this isn't Valve's fault. It's too much fun. I played it the week before I was to start exam study, which was an awful, awful idea, because I wanted to play it all the time. I didn't of course. I'm a wonderful student. But it took every ounce of my willpower to stop myself... to combat this problem, I did the only thing I could do: I finished it as fast as I could. When I finally did finish it, nothing stood in the way of studying. Well... until I remembered I have episodes of How I Met Your Mother on my computer...
When I study, I study like crazy. During SWOTVAC (The week of no lectures for exam study), I didn't wash my hair, I ate a lot of lollies, and I studied from when I woke up until I got too sleepy at night to study anymore (Normally around 2 or 3am). Obviously, this is detrimental to my mental and physical health, and I felt like crap the whole time I studied. Feeling like crap makes my imagination run wild, and I'm a hypochondriac at the best of times.
I'm left-handed. During the study period, I wrote so much that it hurt my whole arm, right up to my shoulder and even my ear. I was tense and stressed so that means my chest was tight too. I didn't eat properly so I felt sick/dizzy quite a bit.
Of course, naturally I assumed I was having a 2-week-long heart attack and was going to die.
I didn't shower much. Yes, I know. Too much information. I'm sorry. And here's even more cringe-worthy stuff. Because I didn't shower much, I got a lump on my back. Some sort of blemish pimple type thing under my skin. I tend one or two if I don't shower everyday. Ah, nature.
Yes, it ended up being fine. I'm running out of time to write this so I might end it here. Thanks to everyone who's been reading this and telling me to write more because it's really inspiring :) Now the pressure is on...
If you want to read more, drop me a note here and let me know what you like and I'll be sure to include more crap like it in the future!
GLaDOS: Well done. Here are the test results: You are a horrible person. I'm serious, that's what it says: A horrible person. We weren't even testing for that. Don't let that "horrible person" thing discourage you. It's just a data point. If it makes you feel any better, science has now validated your birth mother's decision to abandon you on a doorstep.
One of my favorite blogs :D
Oh man, I so want to play portal.
Damn Portal looks good... I want it!!!
Awesome blog Ojaye..I m big fan, keep it up :D
Ahh Ojaye...
Love this blog, always makes me lough :D
How many times did I comment on this thing? Hmmm... Ahh well more spam for Ojaye :D
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