
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A silent obsession.

I LIKE TSHIRTS! I spend my life surfing da interwebz for funny tshirts. I own some, like "I do all my own stunts" and "iPope"

Today I had an urge to write a blog. A hunger that could not be satisfied simply by using Myspace, Twitter or Facebook. After surfing the internet for a while, I scrolled through my bookmarks and once again came across a site that I visit fairly often.


One day, I'm going to win the lottery, and buy every tshirt on that page, plus any others from the t-shirt bookmark pages I have.
Here are some shirts I'd like to share, because I can.

"Smoking. It has been found that twenty-five thousand people die each day from smoking-related illnesses. But scientists have now proved conclusively that this number would be halved if divided by two."- Shaun Micallef


Anonymous said...

THOSE SHIRTS ARE SO AWESOMEEEEEEE!!!! And I still want one of those Jordan shirts. HAAHAH
My face is itchy from those sticker things. :|

Donna said...

"With our powers combined, we are Platypus"


nidya said...

i'm not the only one who likes to look up t-shirts

