
Friday, June 12, 2009

Health Update!

YES. I HAVE GLANDULAR FEVER. Also a throat infection. Three weeks off school. Hurray! Not really. Oh wow, I'm super tired.

I feel terrible. Really depressed - I had to tell my wonderful friend Duc that I can't go to his formal tonight, because the doctor says there's a chance my spleen/liver whatever might pop. I guess it's better to miss one formal than... you know. Die. haha.

So now I have to take it easy. I hate taking it easy. I want to go to school, damnit! I'M SO LONELY. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWRRRRRR.

Thank you, and goodnight, people of the outside world.


Donna said...

3 WEEKS???


Hope u get better soon Olivia, music seems so empty without you!!!!!!! And when I come to school in the mornings, you're never there to say 'Hi Donna!' to me :(

I'll pray for you ok, don't worry, God will take care of this :)


Anonymous said...

awww :( Keep your spirits up :D I'm sure you'll be all super dooper healthy when you're back on the road... to school. :| HAHA. Me and Mara were gonna visit you today! But there wasn't much time left. And we missed our first bus. -_- One hour waits. -_-" But TAKE IT EASY! XD And sleep lots and don't eat bad foods that might make you explode! LOVE YOU <3

nidya said...


i hope you get better soon. i'm really in the mood to make you cookies and put them in your letterbox one of these mornings.. buut i have no idea if you'll be able to eat them with your throat infection =\

miss you babe..especially missing our morning hugs and of course your beautiful SMILE in religion.

think of the ~POPE~ and hopefully he'll give you strength to get better. xD

take care and rest lots or else *shakes fist*


an92 said...

Awww I hope you get better Olivia, did you get my well wishes from the other day?! Today after school everyone was panicking about the di and Mr G walked in the common room and said "oh girls, my whole maths studies class is here." ahaha
and omg did you hear about how Trang had her GC stolen and Mr. G wrote that passionate speech in the AM notices? That was so cool.
Anyway, I can't wait for you to get back to school, such a bummer you missed out on the formal! I would die if that happened to me. :(
x Please get better!