This time around is no exception. On Monday and Tuesday, I felt very, very off. I drifted through a maths test, possibly failing, I'm not really sure what I was doing in it. (I DID study, I worked very hard, I just couldn't focus, I felt so sick.) People told me to stay home. "BAH!" I spat in their faces. (Well, not really. I just said "I'm fine" and didn't stay home.) On Wednesday, however, I began to feel feverish. "I'll just go home and sleep it off," I thought pathetically. I strugged through my chemistry class, had some sort of study lesson in the middle of the day, which I ended up sleeping in anyway, and then complained throughout the entire lunch break.
After lunch, Thuong (who was also sick) and I dragged ourselves to the music room, where I fell asleep at the piano while practising with some other girls for the school Musical. After one lesson, I went to my music teacher and asked her if I could go home straight after school instead of attending band practise. She said "Why after school? Just go home now"
So I did. In the office, while signing out, I ran into one of the Drama teachers, who told me I "look frail."
Poor Thuong, who ended up going to the hospital later that evening, also attempted to go home, but couldn't contact her mother. I wanted to take her home, but I don't think it's legal, or just, a good idea, for me to take her home when her mum isn't aware of it... ANYWAY.
I got home, moped around feeling sorry for myself, and then the next day, I felt so terrible, my mother took me to the doctor. "Tonsilitis, Throat infection, and -something else ojaye has forgotten-" he said, and also informed me that my tonsils were swollen and my throat was covered in pus. (EW, I KNOW.) Yes indeed, I was a very sick girl.
So our amazing plans for an awesome long weekend were dashed due to my sickness. Potato ended up coming over Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday to try and make me feel better. Unfortunately, it didn't help. (Well, I did feel better when he was around, but, you know, it's not like it's a cure or anything.)
Today I was supposed to go to school, but ended up bawling my eyes out in the shower (AGAIN) and mum said "you can't go to school today like this." We went back to the doctor, and, to my surprise (I could've cried when he told me this - I almost did!) he told me he thinks I may have Glandular Fever, also known as the "Kissing Disease." I thought it was very serious. My dad has told me in the past, "You'd better not get kissing disease! It's year 12! You'll be in bed for months!"
OH, THE AWKWARDNESS! It's ok, really. My dad was sorely misinformed, as are the people who read my Swine Flu blog, and believe it. The doc says that everyone has it in their lives, around their teenage years to early 20's. However, most people don't know they have it - they just think they have the flu. Others (like me), get it pretty bad, and then a small amount of people get it REALLY bad, as my dad had described. Quote the doctor, when talking to my mum, "It's ok, everyone's had it. You've had it, I've had it, everyone." I wanted to wolf-whistle when he said that, but I thought better of it.
He sent me off to get some blood tests, which I will retrieve in about two days. Until then, fingers crossed - let's hope that I just have tonsilitis, but I doubt it. I seem to have all the symptoms of Glandular Fever, and so far, the symptoms have lasted about 7 days. It would also explain why I've been feeling so 'down' lately - that's a symptom of Glandular Fever too.
So yes. That's my small medical adventure for you. Here are a few highlights of my day:
- The doctor looking at my throat, full of pus, and going "WOAH. O_O" The horrible state of my throat freaked him out a bit, I think.
- When getting my blood test, the woman was talking to me, asking me if I've ever had a blood test. "Yeah" I replied, "It's no problem." When she took my blood, she took it from my right arm, and took blood from the smallest vein she could find. Upon sticking the needle into my arm, the blood EXPLODED out of my arm, causing her to shriek a little bit. Apparently, she had never seen anything like it before. I bled a lot. Poor woman, at least I made the day interesting for her.
- Calling Claudina to tell her of my health status, and ask her to put aside work for me, so I don't miss out on anything. While on the phone, I heard her asking someone to open the door for her. The next moment, I hear her shriek, "HIEN! THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO BE LAZILY OPENING THE DOOR FOR ME. OPEN THE DOOR." I laughed so much, I thought my glands were going to pop out of my throat.
PS - How do you like my new layout? Spiffy, eh? There's something about it that I'm not very fond of - I'll probably end up changing it very, very soon.
"Why do women insist on asking men what they're thinking? We're thinking: Fuck, better think of something to say." Either that or we're imagining that we're spies." - Ed Byrne
HAHAHA HAHAHAHA. That's kinda funny how your dad said that you'd better not get "the kissing disease". I remember you telling me about that ages ago. HAHAHAHA. awwwww. XD And when you told me over the phone about your throat infection and I said " Too much kissing " HAHA. NO MORE KISSING GRANT FOR YOU!!! And I was thinking of adding something about the army man. But now I can't be bothered. And, I like your new layout :) DON'T CHANGE IT. IT'S PERFECT. AND, I just got home from this ultra sound thing at the hospital. I went to school for all lessons but music. :) get well soon! And study hard :) I love you!
I hope u get better soon. My mum was all to me 'I hope you don't get glandular fever this year' as well. I HOPE TO SEE U AROUND AGAIN SOON :D
meow for now!
"Oh no! I touched her :O"
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