
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

When I'm better!

After reflecting on my conversations with people over the past few... err, days? Weeks? I've been a real downer! Oh Gosh, how hard it would be to talk to me in this state! I'd like to apologize for that, first off.
I'm feeling pretty happy today. My health is improving a LOT, and the doctor sent me a letter saying he wanted a 'review' with me today. I'm hoping he says I can go back to school soon.

Friday, as I may have mentioned before, was a really terrible day, because I was told that I couldn't do a lot of things I had been looking forward to. People who know me would probably realise how this makes me feel - because I have to do everything. I LOVE being involved in just... everything. If I'm not a part of something, I start feeling really lost. So, because of that, and the fact that I hadn't seen anyone or been outside for over a week, the entire day I was fairly emotional (understatement of the century). My parents were getting pretty worried, because crying was putting my tender spleen at risk. They had told me earlier, "Your boyfriend can't come over this weekend, because you need to rest." After the state I was in, they decided it would be best for him to come over after all, since I needed something to take my mind off the whole situation.

So I managed to stop myself snivelling long enough to make the phone call as soon as he finished school. The conversation went something like this:
O: H-hello
G: Hey
O: C-Can you s-still come over t-tonight?
G: Huh? *sounding concerned because he can't understand me*
O: Can you still come over tonight? Would you be able to?
G: Yeah

The conversation was slightly more warm and eventful than that, but you get the drift.
When he came over, he walked in and threw a paper bag at me. I opened it, and inside was a STAR WARS TOY! <3 I AM NERD GIRL - I LIKE STAR WARS. I love this toy. I love it so much. I have carried it with me - I am not joking - every moment since I've had it. This is really easy, seeing as I never leave the house. So, for the past four days, I have carried it EVERYWHERE. <3 On Sunday, my parents decided they would put me in the car and drive around for a while, just because I needed to get out of the house. I was REALLY excited, because I hadn't seen the outside world in an insane amount of time. It was really awesome. Anyway, while talking to Potato, I compiled a list of all the things I want to do when I'm better. The whole point of this blog was actually to write this list. Here's a few of them:
  • Eat a LARGE Hungry Jacks Bacon Deluxe burger meal
  • Eat Pods
  • Eat chocolate and those chocolate cookies that have been calling me from the pantry
  • Try that new KFC roll thing with Popcorn Chicken in it
  • Go to town and walk ALL day
  • Drive
  • Take Potato somewhere special
  • Clean my room
  • Go to school
  • Play piano
  • Catch up on two or three weeks of school work - I've lost track of time
  • Bake something for Duc as an apology for not attending formal with him
I think that's all I wanted to say. Oh, also, one day I lost one of my socks in the bottom of my bed, and because I didn't have the energy to find the other sock, I just walked around with one sock the entire day.

[being asked what he'd be doing if he wasn't in comedy] "Shouting at people in the street probably." - Ross Noble


Anonymous said...

your socks are hot. I'd tap them. Well, the one you're wearing now. :)

Donna said...

I'm glad ur getting better, my prayers must be working :)