OOO! How exciting. I'm going to start a music blog, so I can rant purely about music.
But first, I need a title.
Ideas welcome!
Keeping with the topic of music...
Today, I taught myself part of a John Mayer song on guitar, In Repair. It's only three chords, but I got really excited - because I only really knew a few chords on guitar before, and dad never actually let me try on my own, because he said I should focus on piano. I was playing John Mayer on the piano from the book Thuong had lent me, when I looked at the guitar chord chart thingys and thought "Hey, that's making a bit of sense for some reason." So I grabbed dad's guitar and attempted to play. TA-DA. I am now three chords closer to being awesome. ANYWAY. I want to learn more now. Suddenly guitar got a bit easier for me.
I texted dad with my 'proud' achievement, and he replied back with "Well done smartass"
Even very young children need to be informed about dying. Explain the concept of death very carefully to your child. This will make threatening him with it much more effective.
- P.J. O'Rourke
haha, I love your dad's comments. I'm proud of you. You learnt another two chords today! :) Title could be "THUONG IS AWESOME" HAHA. Kidding. Make it something like "BASS CLEFF" HAHA.
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