
Sunday, September 13, 2009

I kill people, so show me your genitals.

Two awesome youtube videos that I found the other day with some people I love very much.
Later on, we went to town and sang them, extremely loudly. I think we disturbed many people, but we were having too much fun to care. (SORRY, CITIZENS OF ADELAIDE. - especially those in Chinatown on Friday night!) We were singing them so much that many people forgot what the original sounded like. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. (Which is a lot!)

War is a great asshole magnet.
- P.J. O'Rourke


Anonymous said...

WHAT?? GENITALIA! HAHAAHAH. Those poor Adelaide citizens. We be awesome!

Mara said...

XDDDDDDDD Poor Weebling.

*After singing Show Me Your Genitals for the hundredth time*
Mara: "Let me sing for you again!"

*With a horrified look upon his face*
Weebling: "NooooOO!!"