
Friday, November 6, 2009

Things I want to steal from the school.

This week is my last week of year 12. That means that I'll have to give back all the textbooks I borrowed over the year. Unfortunately, I'm finding it difficult to part with some of them. So that I feel better about parting with them, I'll write the titles here so I can buy them later. Clever me.

The Century of Invention: Piano Music of the 20th Century.
Selected and Introduced by Maurice Hinson.
 Just a collection of sheet music. I performed two songs from this book, and played a few more just for fun. Such a shame to part with this one, I've had it for two years. My teacher told me that this book is quite pricey, but I found it here and could save 56 cents.

All Quiet on the Western Front
Erich Maria Remarque
I had to read and analyse this for English Studies, then wrote a paired text essay for it with Fly Away Peter by David Malouf. All Quiet on the Western Front is a really good read, and I really want to read it again  just for enjoyment, without having to analyse every quote for possible essay questions. I'm too lazy at the moment, though, so I just want to buy it and read it later.

Lieder ohne Worte: Songs Without Words
Felix Mendelssohn
OH, THE HORROR! I was tempted to steal this book. Another collection of sheet music, this had one of my favourite pieces in it: Op. 102 No 4. Definately buying this one at some point in my life. I don't want to forget this song.

Grande Sonate Pathetique: Piano Sonata in c minor op. 13
Ludwig Van Beethoven
C'mon. It's Beethoven. Need I say more?

The World's Contracted Thus: Major Poetry from Chaucer to Plath
Edited by J.A. and J.K. McKenzie
I like poetry. Shut up. T.S. Eliot has got to be my favourite. I would keep this copy but it's actually my teacher's from high school. I assume she did what I'm tempted to do, but I can't be sure.

I think that's all for now. If I find any more books I'm tempted to steal, I'll let you all know, because I know how much you care. And I'm touched.

You know your children are growing up when they stop asking you where they came from and refuse to tell you where they're going.
- P. J. O'Rourke

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Stalking interweb celebrities since 2009.

I haven't been on the interweb in a while. But that's ok (Not for you, I know you've missed me), I've been studying for exams! Here's my checklist so far:
[ x ] Music
[ x ] English Studies
[ x ] Physics
[ x ] Maths Studies
[ - ] Chemistry

As you can see, I have one to go! I'm taking a break today because I had three exams this week, (Maths was today) and Dad is making me. I'm wasting my time on one of my favourite websites, This is the guy that wrote the 7-legged spider email. This guy actually makes me laugh out loud, so I could write "lol" if I wanted to. But I won't. Ignore that last one.

ANYWAY. I was reading his site and I am aware he's from (R)Adelaide. I live in Adelaide so it's AWESOME that he does too. I could see him around and not know it. Why do I keep getting off-topic? Ugh. I'll start a new paragraph.

I was reading his blog or whatever it is. The funny articles. And I found a photo he'd posted that had a desk. On the desk, it had what I assumed to be his company name.

Being the stalker I am, I googled this, and I found David Thorne's workplace. It wasn't hard. I'm not a super-spy or anything, so please don't freak out and start asking me to stalk your favourite celebrity. Please, no. Stop. *waves hand dismissively* I even got to see the pictures of he and his collegues in a 'professional' light. How cute. Another interesting thing is that I have walked by this workplace many times. I MAY MEET HIM ONE DAY. If I do, I'm taking a photo. Awesome.

For those who have never seen his blog, I'll post a short quote of it here. And yes, this will count as this post's "quote."

Click here for the full post.

Google Images
Google Images is useless. I used it once to search for a photo of farm equipment and it showed me twenty thousand pictures of horse dicks.

If I wanted to chat with strangers, I would pick up the phone and press random numbers. I tried a chatroom once and was talking to guy who claimed he was an obese fifty three year old man living in a caravan park but there is no way of knowing if these people are telling the truth.

Why would I want anybody I don't know knowing what I am doing? I don't yell out to everyone in the supermarket "I am buying oranges" so why would I want to do it on my internet? When I was young, I lived in a small village where everybody knew each other and knew what everyone was up to. There was a fat italian kid who lived next door to me named Tony. One day I shot him in the leg with a home made bow & arrow from my treehouse that overlooked his yard and his parents called the police. Within hours the entire village was calling me William Tell. Having escaped the small town mentality for the last fifty two years, I am hardly going to advertise my movements now.

The Bath Mat
I realise this is not internet related but I cannot understand why it is so hard for people to hang the bath mat over the bath when they are finished using it. I don't leave the mat all soggy for other people to walk on after I have been in there.

I have a photo album on my bookshelf full of faces of people I know which I haven't opened since 1982 so why would I want their faces on my internet? None of them are even very good looking. I tried facebook to see what all the fuss was about and was only on there five minutes before some idiot poked me. It is easy to be brave when you are on the internet.

Reddit / Digg
These sites are the online equivalent of walking down the street, finding a rock shaped like a frog and holding it up in the air while yelling for all my neighbours to come out and tell me what they think of my frog shaped rock. My neighbours can all go to hell. Especially Mrs Carter in number three who leaves her bins out all week. If I did find a rock shaped like a frog, I would throw it at her.

People are always sending me all kinds of rubbish. Why would I want dozens of pictures of lots of love cats? I hate cats. I went away for a week recently and when I got back and checked my email, I had eight hundred and forty three messages. Eight hundred and forty of these were adverts for viagra and the other three were pictures of lots of love cats. I bought a 'no junk mail' sticker and stuck it on my modem but nobody has taken any notice.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

POKEMON JAPAN GAME DS WOW. (Plus a new cute thing that connects to your DS :D)

What is it?
Aren't you a bit old for that?
No. No one is ever too old for Pokemon. Especially not me.
Dude, I played it when I was like 8 years old. I'm over it.
WELL I'M NOT. And ever since Pokemon Yellow, the first one I played, they have been my favourite games of all time. When the next games came out, I was really disappointed that your Pokemon don't follow you anymore like Pikachu did in Pokemon Yellow.
Get a life, Ojaye.
I HAVE A LIFE. I DO. But I like these games. So for those who care as much as me, I'll list what I know about these games so far.
Please don't. I don't care.
SCREW YOU. If you don't like it, stop reading! >=(
Alright I will.

  • They'll be Gold and Silver remakes.

  • They'll have Pokemon that follow you around.

  • There will be something called the PokeWalker. Looks interesting. You can see the PokeWalker in the Japanese trailer below. IT'S CUTE. It's like a little Pedometer that you can send pokemon from your DS to this thing. When you walk around, your pokemon's health and happiness goes up and you can also catch pokemon and send them to your DS apparently. There will be items and a diary too. There's other details and stuff I've missed, because I should be studying right now. To read up more about the PokeWalker, which I think is awesome, click hereeeee!

  • It'll be out in America in Spring 2010.

SO FAR AWAY. I have to wait so long. Maybe I can get my hands on a Japanese version for a while. When Pokemon Platinum came out, I tried playing it in Japanese because I couldn't wait, then I gave up because I was too lazy to figure it out. Anyway, here are some trailers I found. One is in English and one is in Japanese.

"I haven't seen this many strange letters since I placed an ad in the personals!"
-James, Pokémon 3

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Central Station is aliveeee, with the Sound of Music (aaaahhh)

I love this. Central Station Antwerp - The Sound of Music
Over 200 dancers at the Antwerp train station, Belgium.

I would so play the game in today's quote.

I like video games, but they’re really violent. I’d like to play a video game where you help the people who were shot in all the other games. It’d be called ‘Really Busy Hospital.’
- Demetri Martin

Monday, October 5, 2009

11:30am - 3am

Morning: Wake up.
Do homework.
Evening. Go to restaurants. Stay out til 3am. Sleep.

I'll talk about my amazing food adventures later. I love food.


Get your notes back soon, ladies. If this thing is going to go ahead we have to start planning.

"Does China have an Australiatown?"
- Jordan, my brother.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Stuff makes me better than you.

Two comics that I love: and They both have had something in common recently. Talking about HAVING STUFFZ. I find it amusing when people get NEW STUFFZ and they think that they're better than everyone for having NEW STUFFZ. It hasn't happened recently, but I have encountered it in the past. People can be so silly. I love you, people.

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

Cyanide & Happiness @

Love, Me.

"I believe he is unconscious, though with Meres it is difficult to tell."
- David Callan

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Happy Birthday, Mara.
Let's put as many 'inside' jokes as we can into one line/paragraph/whatever.
Creator. Maram. Felix. You lose forever.
I love you!
*long, suffocating hug*

On a completely unrelated matter,

Today someone was talking about what song they wanted at their funeral. I want "Wheel" by John Mayer. Here's the lyrics and video, in case you're interested, which you're probably not, but I don't really care. You don't have to watch it, seriously. hah.

 People have the right to fly
And will when it gets compromised
Their hearts say "Move along"
Their minds say "Gotcha heart"
Let's move it along

And airports, see it all the time
Where someone's last goodbye
Blends in with someone's sigh
Cause someone's coming home
In hand, a single rose

That's the way this wheel keeps working now
That's the way this wheel keeps working now
And I won't be the last
No I won't be the last, to love her

You can't build a house of leaves
And live like it's an evergreen
It's just a season thing
It's just this thing that seasons do

And that's the way this wheel keeps working now
That's the way this wheel keeps working now
And you won't be the first
No you won't be the first, to love me

You can find me, if you ever want to give
I'll be around the bend
I'll be around the bend
I'll be around, I'll be around
And if you never stop when you wave goodbye
You just might find if you give it time
You will wave hello again
You just might wave hello again

And that's the way this wheel keeps working now
That's the way this wheel keeps working now
You can't love too much, one part of it(repeat)

I believe that my life's gonna see
The love I give return to me
I believe that my life's gonna see yeah
The love I give return to me.
I believe that my life's gonna see the love I give
Return to me

SO YES. AWESOME. Do that for me, yes?

“I think that when you get dressed in the morning, sometimes you’re really making a decision about your behavior for the day. Like if you put on flipflops, you’re saying: ‘Hope I don’t get chased today.’ ‘Be nice to people in sneakers.’”
- Demetri Martin

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I had a Zorpia.

... but I'm going to delete it. I have one friend on there - a previous exchange student from my school. She has facebook, so it's all good. I made it one day when I was extremely bored, and didn't plan on using it ever again. It's pretty obvious, judging by my profile. I viewed my profile again, for one last time, and it amused me. I'm going to post it here so it's not forgotten.


Gender: Female
Age: 104
Ethnicity: Inter-racial
Occupation: Government/Military
Country: Australia
State: South Australia
City: Adelaide
Hometown(s): Gotham City
About me: Don't add me. I'm not cool.
Language: Random crap
Interests: Scaring old ladies at the supermarket
Clubs & Organizations: Nightclubs
Favorite books: Hentaiiiiii
Favorite music: sexy music ;D
Favorite TV programs: Hentaiiii
Favorite movies: Hentaiiiii
Places I've Traveled To: Uranus
I'm looking for: Rusty axes
Dating Status: Divorced
Body Type: Thick
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 3'0
Religion: Others
Smoking Habit: daily
Drinking Habit: daily
Currently Living with: Boyfriend/Girlfriend
TV watching habits: Sitcoms, Movies

My plumbing is all screwed up. Because it turns out, I do not own a garbage disposal.
- Demetri Martin

I kill people, so show me your genitals.

Two awesome youtube videos that I found the other day with some people I love very much.
Later on, we went to town and sang them, extremely loudly. I think we disturbed many people, but we were having too much fun to care. (SORRY, CITIZENS OF ADELAIDE. - especially those in Chinatown on Friday night!) We were singing them so much that many people forgot what the original sounded like. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. (Which is a lot!)

War is a great asshole magnet.
- P.J. O'Rourke

Saturday, September 12, 2009

New, but not improved!

Fun for the whole family!

Employee of the month is a good example of how somebody can be both a winner and a loser at the same time.
- Demetri Martin

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Guitar Pro Skillz.

Not really. I've only been 'playing' for 2 weeks. But you get it. Here's Thuong and I playing "Stupid Love Song" by Amiel. I put that title at the bottom to cover my strumming, because I'm still trying to co-ordinate it, so I don't want pros to see!

Well we were being stupid. But y'know. All in good fun. Enjoy.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How sweet!

Today, I was driving my little brother home from soccer training. I was singing "Comfortable" by John Mayer at the top of my lungs, and bouncing around while I was (SAFELY) driving. Halfway through the song, my brother turns to me.

Brother: You should go in Australian Idol.
Ojaye: HAHA! Why?
Brother: You'd get in! Easily!
Ojaye: That's so sweet! What makes you say that?
Brother: You're much better than the people in there at the moment! YOU COULD BE IN THE TOP 12!

That made my confidence go up up up, because it was sweet! AWWWW.
Jordan's going to make some girl (or guy) very happy one day.

Family love is messy, clinging, and of an annoying and repetitive pattern, like bad wallpaper.
- P.J. O'Rourke

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A new (improved) letter

Today, during Maths Studies, I was extremely bored. I decided I wanted to create a "new" letter of the alphabet. I wanted this letter to represent "oj." In order to create this letter, I decided to put "o" and "j" together. (I'm so creative, I know.) I wrote it on paper, and it said...
The letter "g" looks slightly different as in certain fonts, but just think of that in my handwriting, if you can't see what I mean. At first, I was like, "YAY! New letter! ... Oh. It's already a letter." What a shame. We could've shared something beautiful, that letter and I.
A hat should be taken off when you greet a lady and left off for the rest of your life. Nothing looks more stupid than a hat.
- P.J O'Rourke

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Blog idea~

OOO! How exciting. I'm going to start a music blog, so I can rant purely about music.
But first, I need a title.
Ideas welcome!
Keeping with the topic of music...
Today, I taught myself part of a John Mayer song on guitar, In Repair. It's only three chords, but I got really excited - because I only really knew a few chords on guitar before, and dad never actually let me try on my own, because he said I should focus on piano. I was playing John Mayer on the piano from the book Thuong had lent me, when I looked at the guitar chord chart thingys and thought "Hey, that's making a bit of sense for some reason." So I grabbed dad's guitar and attempted to play. TA-DA. I am now three chords closer to being awesome. ANYWAY. I want to learn more now. Suddenly guitar got a bit easier for me.
I texted dad with my 'proud' achievement, and he replied back with "Well done smartass"

Even very young children need to be informed about dying. Explain the concept of death very carefully to your child. This will make threatening him with it much more effective.
- P.J. O'Rourke

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Meet Buble. A little white 1992 Mazda 121 Funtop. I wont post a picture because I can't be bothered finding one at the moment. Here's a random picture of a yellow Mazda 121 I found on the net:

Say hi to Buble!


He's very happy today, do you know why?

Why, Ojaye?

Buble was feeling very ugly, because his seat covers were frayed and yucky. Today, Ojaye decided to change them, finally!


I think they look better, because the grey matches the interior better than my old, black Pink Panther seat covers. Now I can advertise the fact that I'm a "moo-ver and groover" everywhere I go.

Buble is so sexy. All the girl cars will love him even more than before.
The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A Death! What's that, a bonus? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you live in an old age home. You get kicked out when you're too young, you get a gold watch, you go to work. You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You do drugs, alcohol, you party, you get ready for high school. You go to grade school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a little baby, you go back into the womb, you spend your last nine months floating......and you finish off as an orgasm.
- George Carlin

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Assembly today~

Today, I finally got my badge and stuff for being Music Captain of the school. The principle shook my hand and said "Well, it took us a while didn't it? About time." I smiled, and tripped on my way back to my seat. BLOOPERS FOR THE WIN. I wish someone had filmed it. I wanted to curtsey when I regained my balance but I didn't have time. I sort of did though. If one person noticed me curtsey, it would've all been worthwhile!
All seniors were kept in after assembly for a lecture on behaving in assembly. Apparently, one of the reasons we were kept in is because someone called me "Geek-Face" when I collected my badge, and the teacher saw them making comments. My friend heard this, and saw the teacher's reaction. Just so people know, this doesn't hurt my feelings, and I'm not blogging this to vent. For some reason, I'm very amused and interested by this. XD *pushes up non-existant glasses*
Just thought people would find that interesting.
Cloud nine gets all the publicity, but cloud eight actually is cheaper, less crowded, and has a better view.
- George Carlin

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I FEEL HAPPY. Do you feel happy?
Let's be happy.
I like you all.

It's only when you look at an ant through a magnifying glass on a sunny day that you realise how often they burst into flames.- Harry Hill

Monday, August 17, 2009

Friends are so special <3

Last night, I was studying for my Chemistry exam, worth about 10% of my grade. I was crazy stressed and worried, because it was time for bed but I wanted to study more. My phone had just finished charging, so I turned it on. As my phone turned on, the welcome message flashed up on the screen. Claudina and I write each other's welcome messages on our phones. Mine?

Yes, cry, for you are doomed.

Important Dates: Adelaide University

For An and anyone else who didn't get this booklet.

UMAT closing date

UMAT late closing date

Applications close: Dentistry, Medicine and Oral Health

Last day to change preferences
(Please note: unable to add Medicine, Dentistry or Oral Health)

December SATAC offer round

January SATAC offer round

February SATAC offer round

December Oral assessments for Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry and Oral Health

26 JANUARY - 30 JANUARY 2010
January Oral assessments for Medicine and Nursing

I hope this is useful to anyone interested in Adelaide University Faculty of Health Sciences!

Never fight an inanimate object.
- P.J. O'Rourke

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Celebritites: Bruce Willis

HELLO, BLOG WORLD! How are you? Good? Good.

I was listening to the radio the other day, and I heard them talking about Bruce Willis, the awesomely awesome super action hero. For those who don't know him, HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING UNDER A ROCK? Here are some movies that may jog your memory:
  • Die Hard
  • Die Hard 2
  • Die Hard 3
  • Die Hard 4
  • Armageddon
  • Mercury Rising
  • The Sixth Sense
And there's many more. You get the picture. He's pretty freaking awesome.
It so happens that he was going to be interviewed on this radio station (I can't remember which one... Probably 107.1 SAFM or Nova 91.9). The three hosts were VERY excited that such a big star was going to be appearing on their show. HOWEVER, their hopes were quickly dashed when they were told the conditions Mr Willis had set.

  1. Only one host was allowed to interview him.

  2. That person only had three minutes to interview him.
Now. I know that stars are very busy. I mean, they have lives of their own and such. Don't get me wrong, Bruce Willis is the A-GRADE MATERIAL CELEBRITY (and quite attractive for a man who's old enough to be my father. O_O) But... What's with the conditions?! SERIOUSLY.
Only one host was allowed to interview him. Why? Why is this? Is he afraid of Swine Flu, and wants to limit his contact with other people? Is he shy? Does he suffer from Enochlophobia? Do non-celebrities disgust him? Does he think the interview will turn into an ORGY if more than one person is in there? I REALLY DON'T GET IT.
That person only had three minutes to interview him. I don't get this either. Ok, maybe I do. Mr Willis is an extremely busy man, he has lots of things to do, places to go, people to see. He doesn't want to spend the entire day on the phone, or in a hotel while people come in and out, answering the same questions over and over... but THREE MINUTES? How did he get three minutes anyway? Did he roll dice? Hmm. It doesn't seem right to me.
This got me thinking. If I were a celebrity, would I have weird conditions for people to follow as well? I came up with a few.
YES. You can interview me, but...

  • You must all wear orange.

  • You have to bring me some sort of gnome with you.

  • You may not use the letter "e."

  • There must be a bowl of chocolate-covered strawberries next to me at all times.

  • Drinks must be supplied. Straws must be orange.

  • There should be an after-party, fully catered. (Yes, a party after EVERY interview.)

  • If other celebrities are interviewed in the same day, I have to meet them. They have to say, "Oh my God. I am your BIGGEST FAN!" Even if it's someone more awesome than me who doesn't give a crap about me.

  • The room has to be at a comfortable temperature. Say, 26 degrees celcius. Even if I'm being interviewed over the phone.

  • Actually, no phone interviews. I'm awkward on the phone.

  • Restaurant City should be running on a computer next to me. HAH.

Anybody got any more? I'd like to hear them. Maybe when one of us becomes famous, we can torture our interviewers together.
Note: Bruce Willis, I'm sure you have good reasons for your conditions. Please don't beat me up, you're bigger than me.
A very quiet and tasteful way to be famous is to have a famous relative. Then you can not only be nothing, you can do nothing too.- P.J. O'Rourke

Monday, August 10, 2009

My Secret Desire

To end my English Studies Poetry Essay like this:

All poets, overall, have expressed the worlds they see through their poetry, and cause the reader to feel as though they are a part of that world. I'm bored now. kthxbye.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

T.S. Eliot is awesome.

The last twist of the knife
From Rhapsody on a Windy Night

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I would say I wrote this, but I would be lying.

A holy man was having a conversation with God one day and said, 'God , I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like.'

God led the holy man to two doors. He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in.
In the middle of the room was a large round table. In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew, which smelled delicious and made the holy man's mouth water. The people sitting around the table were thin and sickly. They appeared to be famished. They were holding spoons with very long handles, that were strapped to their arms and each found it possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful, but because the handle was longer than their arms, they could not get the spoons back into their mouths.

The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering.God said, 'You have seen Hell.'

They went to the next room and opened the door. It was exactly the same as the first one. There was the large round table with the large pot of stew which made the holy man's mouth water. The people were equiped with the same long-handled spoons, but here the people were well nourished and plump, laughing and talking.

The holy man said, 'I don't understand..'It is simple,' said God . 'It requires but one skill. You see they have learned to feed each other, while the greedy think only of themselves.'

I wanna live. I don’t wanna die. That’s the whole meaning of life: Not dying! I figured that shit out by myself in the third grade.
- George Carlin

Friday, July 31, 2009

Another letter.

Dear Restaurant City,
You have been "undergoing maintenance" for a few hours, though your "Undergoing Maintenance" picture clearly says "Please check back again in 30 minutes!"

You lied to me, Restaurant City. You lied. Thanks to you, I am now suffering withdrawl symptoms. Oh, and give this note to your mummy Playfish for me, please.

Dear Playfish,

Today, Pet Society, Restaurant City and GeoChallenge were all undergoing maintenance at the same time. You are immeasurably cruel.
Yours Sincerely,
Obsessive Playfish gamer.

Hooray for most things!
- George Carlin

An Angry Letter

Dear New Library Lady,
You are a cow. No one likes you. Go back where you came from.
[insert profanity here]

Yours Sincerely,
The person who could have failed their assignment because you didn't let them pull a piece of paper out of the printer and walk out again.

The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, “You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.”
- George Carlin

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


JULY 27:


Today was UMAT. Has anyone reading this taken UMAT? How did you find it? Easy? Hard? Evil? Death?
Ugh. I'll never be a doctor at this rate! The practise booklets seem easy, especially booklet one. I studied with it and thought "it's in the bag!" Then the practise tests ...guh. Then, the actual exam....

The above picture is, I believe, the only way I can describe it. I'm hoping for a pass. If I get into Medicine in University, I will be one happy chappy. If we were to have interviews only, and not those evil exams that may as well be written in Latin, I would have a very good chance.
I may be exaggerating. I did understand a lot of the exam (I want to do medicine for a reason!!), but who knows if it's right? The answers are so... bleh. And the questions are worded in such a... bleh way.
OH WELL. Que sera sera, aye? At least it's not like my boyfriend - he was sick today, and had to take the exam feeling half dead. After coming home, I was feeling pretty tired too, so I jumped on Facebook to play Restaurant City (damn Playfish, I'm addicted to their games. Unhealthy addicted.) THEY'VE UPDATED IT. I LOVE THIS GAME. I squealed.
But maybe I'll talk about that another day.
I was just over-excited and had to tell someone. You'll do.
Later, followers.
Death is caused by swallowing small amounts of saliva over a long period of time.- George Carlin

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Whoever knows me, knows that I love photobooths. Not because I want to look at myself (as sexy as I am) [You: Narcissistic cow! Me: I'M JOKING. GOSH.], but because I have a LOAD of fun taking them and I love looking back on them later and remembering the panicked "How do we know when the photos are taken? OH NO IT TOOK A PHOTO! OH MY GOD, QUICK GET IN PLACES. WHERE DO WE STAND? YOU'RE ON MY FOOT! WE WASTED A PHOTO. NOW WHAT DO WE DO?" It's so much fun.

One thing I've ALWAYS wanted to do is go to a black and white photobooth and take photos with someone. Everytime I walk past the black and white photobooth at the Myer Centre in Rundle Mall, I always think, "Next time I'm going to get photos there!" but I NEVER do.

Well, until Friday night!

FINALLY, after all those years of saying I wanted these photos, I finally did it. It was a really cold night in the city, and since I'm still recovering from Glandular fever, I was wearing layers, and a MASSIVE jacket, which made it hard to fit into the photobooth about 1x1metres! It's a bit obvious how squashed we were when you look at the photos and see that my face is pressed up against the glass! (Well, not really, but I'm SO CLOSE to the camera!) One thing that bugs me is WHY DO THEY MAKE THOSE BOOTHS SO UNBELIEVABLY TINY WHEN IT'S MADE FOR AT LEAST TWO PEOPLE? I mean, I knew it was going to be small, you can see it from the outside, but the example photos are on the side of the booth show TWO people sitting comfortably in the photo, smiling and looking pretty. When you open the little curtain that hides nothing, you look down to see ONE stool that's MAYBE big enough for a toddler, but when a fully grown person (aka Grant) sits on the chair, they feel like they're being raped by a horse. In spite of all this, it was still worth every cent of my eight dollars.

I felt oddly fulfilled after taking those photos. I think it's because I've wanted them ever since I was a child.

OH, also, we stayed at a hotel that night. Still in Adelaide, so it was kind of pointless, but we had free vouchers that expired that weekend, so we had to make the most of it! So much fun. Nice change of scene. But that story doesn't fit with this post. So I'll end it now.

Moral of the story: Thinking of doing something? Stop waiting. Just do it! Even if it costs you eight dollars and your boyfriend gets violated by a metal stool in the process.

Remember, a dog is not for Christmas. It can also be for a birthday. In fact, you can eat them all year round!- Shaun Micallef

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Lew Kettle (aka Papa/Grandpa)
18th July 2009 at approximately 5pm

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Today, I ate ice cream.
"Skinny Cow" they call it. English Cream or something.
"Fat free" they say.
Well, YOU would be skinny too, if all you had to eat were these vile ice creams.
Note to self; "Fat Free" directly translates to "vomit on a stick." NEVER eat anything labelled "fat free" again.
I'm off to find something disgustingly unhealthy and bad for my liver.
I'm a big Bono fan, but the man can't count. On "Vertigo", he begins with 'uno, dos, tres, catorce' which is 'one, two, three, 14' in Spanish. So maybe there isn't a crisis in Africa. Bono's just miscounted. - Al Pitcher

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

When I'm better!

After reflecting on my conversations with people over the past few... err, days? Weeks? I've been a real downer! Oh Gosh, how hard it would be to talk to me in this state! I'd like to apologize for that, first off.
I'm feeling pretty happy today. My health is improving a LOT, and the doctor sent me a letter saying he wanted a 'review' with me today. I'm hoping he says I can go back to school soon.

Friday, as I may have mentioned before, was a really terrible day, because I was told that I couldn't do a lot of things I had been looking forward to. People who know me would probably realise how this makes me feel - because I have to do everything. I LOVE being involved in just... everything. If I'm not a part of something, I start feeling really lost. So, because of that, and the fact that I hadn't seen anyone or been outside for over a week, the entire day I was fairly emotional (understatement of the century). My parents were getting pretty worried, because crying was putting my tender spleen at risk. They had told me earlier, "Your boyfriend can't come over this weekend, because you need to rest." After the state I was in, they decided it would be best for him to come over after all, since I needed something to take my mind off the whole situation.

So I managed to stop myself snivelling long enough to make the phone call as soon as he finished school. The conversation went something like this:
O: H-hello
G: Hey
O: C-Can you s-still come over t-tonight?
G: Huh? *sounding concerned because he can't understand me*
O: Can you still come over tonight? Would you be able to?
G: Yeah

The conversation was slightly more warm and eventful than that, but you get the drift.
When he came over, he walked in and threw a paper bag at me. I opened it, and inside was a STAR WARS TOY! <3 I AM NERD GIRL - I LIKE STAR WARS. I love this toy. I love it so much. I have carried it with me - I am not joking - every moment since I've had it. This is really easy, seeing as I never leave the house. So, for the past four days, I have carried it EVERYWHERE. <3 On Sunday, my parents decided they would put me in the car and drive around for a while, just because I needed to get out of the house. I was REALLY excited, because I hadn't seen the outside world in an insane amount of time. It was really awesome. Anyway, while talking to Potato, I compiled a list of all the things I want to do when I'm better. The whole point of this blog was actually to write this list. Here's a few of them:
  • Eat a LARGE Hungry Jacks Bacon Deluxe burger meal
  • Eat Pods
  • Eat chocolate and those chocolate cookies that have been calling me from the pantry
  • Try that new KFC roll thing with Popcorn Chicken in it
  • Go to town and walk ALL day
  • Drive
  • Take Potato somewhere special
  • Clean my room
  • Go to school
  • Play piano
  • Catch up on two or three weeks of school work - I've lost track of time
  • Bake something for Duc as an apology for not attending formal with him
I think that's all I wanted to say. Oh, also, one day I lost one of my socks in the bottom of my bed, and because I didn't have the energy to find the other sock, I just walked around with one sock the entire day.

[being asked what he'd be doing if he wasn't in comedy] "Shouting at people in the street probably." - Ross Noble

Friday, June 12, 2009

Health Update!

YES. I HAVE GLANDULAR FEVER. Also a throat infection. Three weeks off school. Hurray! Not really. Oh wow, I'm super tired.

I feel terrible. Really depressed - I had to tell my wonderful friend Duc that I can't go to his formal tonight, because the doctor says there's a chance my spleen/liver whatever might pop. I guess it's better to miss one formal than... you know. Die. haha.

So now I have to take it easy. I hate taking it easy. I want to go to school, damnit! I'M SO LONELY. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWRRRRRR.

Thank you, and goodnight, people of the outside world.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Kissing Disease.

MOVE OVER, SWINE FLU! Ojaye has a new thing to be worried about! Well, not really. I'm not too worried. I just want to say, [though my boyfriend may disagree,] I don't get sick often. I really don't. Sickness was never a huge thing for me. However, on the rare occasions I do get sick, I get very, very sick, so people remember it more.

This time around is no exception. On Monday and Tuesday, I felt very, very off. I drifted through a maths test, possibly failing, I'm not really sure what I was doing in it. (I DID study, I worked very hard, I just couldn't focus, I felt so sick.) People told me to stay home. "BAH!" I spat in their faces. (Well, not really. I just said "I'm fine" and didn't stay home.) On Wednesday, however, I began to feel feverish. "I'll just go home and sleep it off," I thought pathetically. I strugged through my chemistry class, had some sort of study lesson in the middle of the day, which I ended up sleeping in anyway, and then complained throughout the entire lunch break.

After lunch, Thuong (who was also sick) and I dragged ourselves to the music room, where I fell asleep at the piano while practising with some other girls for the school Musical. After one lesson, I went to my music teacher and asked her if I could go home straight after school instead of attending band practise. She said "Why after school? Just go home now"
So I did. In the office, while signing out, I ran into one of the Drama teachers, who told me I "look frail."
Poor Thuong, who ended up going to the hospital later that evening, also attempted to go home, but couldn't contact her mother. I wanted to take her home, but I don't think it's legal, or just, a good idea, for me to take her home when her mum isn't aware of it... ANYWAY.
I got home, moped around feeling sorry for myself, and then the next day, I felt so terrible, my mother took me to the doctor. "Tonsilitis, Throat infection, and -something else ojaye has forgotten-" he said, and also informed me that my tonsils were swollen and my throat was covered in pus. (EW, I KNOW.) Yes indeed, I was a very sick girl.

So our amazing plans for an awesome long weekend were dashed due to my sickness. Potato ended up coming over Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday to try and make me feel better. Unfortunately, it didn't help. (Well, I did feel better when he was around, but, you know, it's not like it's a cure or anything.)

Today I was supposed to go to school, but ended up bawling my eyes out in the shower (AGAIN) and mum said "you can't go to school today like this." We went back to the doctor, and, to my surprise (I could've cried when he told me this - I almost did!) he told me he thinks I may have Glandular Fever, also known as the "Kissing Disease." I thought it was very serious. My dad has told me in the past, "You'd better not get kissing disease! It's year 12! You'll be in bed for months!"
OH, THE AWKWARDNESS! It's ok, really. My dad was sorely misinformed, as are the people who read my Swine Flu blog, and believe it. The doc says that everyone has it in their lives, around their teenage years to early 20's. However, most people don't know they have it - they just think they have the flu. Others (like me), get it pretty bad, and then a small amount of people get it REALLY bad, as my dad had described. Quote the doctor, when talking to my mum, "It's ok, everyone's had it. You've had it, I've had it, everyone." I wanted to wolf-whistle when he said that, but I thought better of it.
He sent me off to get some blood tests, which I will retrieve in about two days. Until then, fingers crossed - let's hope that I just have tonsilitis, but I doubt it. I seem to have all the symptoms of Glandular Fever, and so far, the symptoms have lasted about 7 days. It would also explain why I've been feeling so 'down' lately - that's a symptom of Glandular Fever too.
So yes. That's my small medical adventure for you. Here are a few highlights of my day:
  • The doctor looking at my throat, full of pus, and going "WOAH. O_O" The horrible state of my throat freaked him out a bit, I think.
  • When getting my blood test, the woman was talking to me, asking me if I've ever had a blood test. "Yeah" I replied, "It's no problem." When she took my blood, she took it from my right arm, and took blood from the smallest vein she could find. Upon sticking the needle into my arm, the blood EXPLODED out of my arm, causing her to shriek a little bit. Apparently, she had never seen anything like it before. I bled a lot. Poor woman, at least I made the day interesting for her.
  • Calling Claudina to tell her of my health status, and ask her to put aside work for me, so I don't miss out on anything. While on the phone, I heard her asking someone to open the door for her. The next moment, I hear her shriek, "HIEN! THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO BE LAZILY OPENING THE DOOR FOR ME. OPEN THE DOOR." I laughed so much, I thought my glands were going to pop out of my throat.

PS - How do you like my new layout? Spiffy, eh? There's something about it that I'm not very fond of - I'll probably end up changing it very, very soon.
"Why do women insist on asking men what they're thinking? We're thinking: Fuck, better think of something to say." Either that or we're imagining that we're spies." - Ed Byrne

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Truth About Swine Flu

Fear of the Swine Flu is sweeping the nations! Two schools in Adelaide have been closed down due to the Swine Flu, and since one is my school's 'brother school,' and another is just up the road from our school, teachers are predicting that we'll be the next to close down.

I am a year 12 student with an abundance of medical experience (5 days work experience at a hospital last year), I believe I should give my view on this pandemic, as I am a trained medical professional.

Swine Flu is a conspiracy. It was brought in by the Mexican Government due to a shortage of pigs among pig farmers. The Swine Flu was developed to evolve hobos into pigs, to solve the pig shortage in Mexico. Unfortunately, some of the hobos escaped into the countryside and spread the virus.

The Swine Flu starts off with Flu-like symptoms, such as diarrhoea, fever aching joints and feelings of lethargy. However, if the flu is left to develop for over a month and a half in a single person, it will develop into what it was designed for - to turn humans into pigs.

First, the individual's skin texture will begin to change. It will become slightly rough, hairy, and will adopt a pinkish tinge. They may even begin craving scraps, and find themselves rummaging through their own (or neighbours') rubbish bins. Then, the person's nose will begin to form into a snout. Though people think that their bones and muscles are aching due to flu-like symptoms, this is actually because their bone structures are changing into that of a swine. Eventually, their feet will shrink into hooves, and their posture will shift until they are walking on all fours.

These changes will continue until the person has completely morphed into a swine. Fortunately, medical professionals have been able to slow the process, and even though the final stages cannot be reversed, they can be prevented. If you have any of these symptoms, consult a medical professional immediately, before it's too late. Also, if you are diagnosed with Swine Flu, do not leave treatment too late, unless you want to be lying next to my eggs and toast on my breakfast plate in the morning.

Note from Ojaye to gullible readers: Yes, I take full credit for making this up and posting it, but for Gosh sake, don't use this in some sort of school report or something. Your teacher will give you an F. (Or an E, depending on what school you go to)
Note from Ojaye to sensitive readers: It was brought to my attention that some may be offended by this post. I'm really sorry if you've lost a loved one to the swine flu. Please don't take this blog too personally! =D

"If you're like me, it's possible you're a clone generated from my stolen DNA. I suggest you turn yourself in for destruction immediately." - Shaun Micallef

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A silent obsession.

I LIKE TSHIRTS! I spend my life surfing da interwebz for funny tshirts. I own some, like "I do all my own stunts" and "iPope"

Today I had an urge to write a blog. A hunger that could not be satisfied simply by using Myspace, Twitter or Facebook. After surfing the internet for a while, I scrolled through my bookmarks and once again came across a site that I visit fairly often.


One day, I'm going to win the lottery, and buy every tshirt on that page, plus any others from the t-shirt bookmark pages I have.
Here are some shirts I'd like to share, because I can.

"Smoking. It has been found that twenty-five thousand people die each day from smoking-related illnesses. But scientists have now proved conclusively that this number would be halved if divided by two."- Shaun Micallef

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fantastic Food Adventures!

MY DAD IS ASIAN. He's from Singapore. This means my family is obsessed with food. Almost every long weekend that pops up, my family and some Singaporean family friends travel about six hours (driving) to Melbourne.


To eat.

YES. I KNOW. Everyone I speak to thinks I'm insane, but that's the way my family works. We eat SO MUCH when we're there. A RIDICULOUS AMOUNT. I took a photo of all the stuff (or most of it) I ate while I was there. Keep in mind this is about three days worth of food.

Dish: Popia, Tea and Orange Juice
This is sort of like the Vietnamese Cold Rolls, except a Singaporean/Malaysian version. I fell in LOVE WITH THIS DISH. It's SO DELICIOUS! It has a peanut-y taste, and even though it looks like it's going to fall apart, it didn't! YES. GOD-LIKE FOOD. Apparently the rest of the food at this cafe wasn't good, but, in my opinion, it's worth going, just to get this popia!

Place: Singapore Chom Chom (In the city, Bourke St, I think.)
Dish: Nasi Lemak, Chwee Kway, Kickapoo Joy Juice and Tea. (Background - Con lo mi aka Dry Wonton Noodles)

I'll just say this: SCC is heaven. "If heaven's all we want it to be, send your prayers to me, care of..." SCC. I LOVE THIS FOOD. Actually, SCC is the reason we keep going back to Melbourne. I would live on Nasi Lemak if I could, it's so delicious. This one in particular has really hot sambal with it, so I always end up giving it to dad.

Behind the nasi lemak is chwee kway. I've never eaten this anywhere other than at this place. Apparently one of our family friends can make it (I should bribe them) but I've never eaten it anywhere else. ANOTHER DELICIOUS MEAL. Kickapoo Joy Juice is good too. Can't get it in Adelaide... yet.

Place: Gelatissimo
Dish: Gelato - Chocolate and Blood Orange

I went here at about 11pm in the evening in the middle of Melbourne City. I know the flavours don't sound good together, but after eating heaps of sweet things during the day, the fruity orange flavour kind of balanced it out. It tasted good.

Place: Hill's BBQ, Box Hill

Dish: Con Lo Mi, Duck, chicken and a glass of water.

I ALWAYS have Con lo mi from this place. I love it. I love the lettuce they put under the noodles, they taste really good because they're soaked in the sauce.

But, the real STAR of this place is the DUCK. I had a bit of chicken, but not much, because I was OBSESSED with their duck! IT'S THE BEST DUCK I HAVE EVER TASTED. I absolutely LOVE duck, but I never knew it could taste this good.
Oh God, I'm craving it now.

Place: Nasi Lemak House
Dish: Nasi Lemak

Thank you, Captain Obvious. Of course there's nasi lemak at the nasi lemak house. I love nasi lemak!! This place is always full, so we got take away and took it back to the hotel. Since I had to share it with my dad (doom!) I didn't eat much more than that (see left image) but since I was still full from the 50,000 other meals I ate that day, I didn't mind TOO much...

Place: Bread Top, Box Hill
Dish: Various yummy things.

I didn't end up eating it all, because I brought it back to Adelaide... and then just left it to go off. I bought all this stuff when I was really hungry, which explains why there's so much. I bought this just before my Hill's BBQ duck meal <3 href="">

Place: Norsiah's Kitchen
Dish: Nasi Lemak, Muturbak

This small, unnoticed piece of paradise is right next to a student campus or student apartment block or something, which makes it CHEAP... AND if you show your student card, you get 10% off, so it becomes CHEAPER. JOY TO ME. The food there is authentic and delicious. Their nasi lemak is GOD-LIKE. Actually, now that I think about it, it might even be BETTER than Singapore Chom Chom. We are regulars at this place, and the people that work there know my dad now, even though they only see him every long weekend. The blurry-beyond-recognition picture was meant to be a picture of the resturaunt. I only realised I didn't have a photo as we were driving past the place, so I quickly grabbed my phone and attempted to snap a photo as we drove past. Unfortunately, the best I could get is the one you see above. The random light on the right hand side is Norsiah's Kitchen. All this food talk is making me hungry.

And finally - I didn't eat these - but in a past blog (also about food,) Donna commented me and mentioned that she used to LOVE these little fruit lollies known as "runts"

She said she wasn't sure whether they sold them anymore, and I can safely say they do. As you can see in the picture on the left, I FOUND THEM! Except, to eat them, you need to go to Box Hill in Melbourne, and find this candy machine.
I got a bit excited when I saw them, ("DONNA LIKES THESE!") and got a lot of weird looks from passers-by as I took a photo of them on my phone.

“I used to play sports. Then I realized you can buy trophies. Now I’m good at everything.” - Demetri Martin